Chapter 10

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"So mind telling me what this was about?" I asked them. They seemed really let down.

"He.. Percy.. he.." Bainca started.

"He kind of saved us I guess.." Zoe answered.

That surprised me. Saved them? Me? Wasn't I the one who practically got them killed? After all it was my fault..

"Really? How?" I asked a hint more curious now.

Luke looked at me. "Well.. uhm.. he made us friends, helped us in the underworld, and helped us keeping our sanity."

"He took kind care of Nico too. Kind of." Bianca said.

"Well I didn't get to know him that much, and I wasn't in the underworld that long, but I'm still thankful for him introducing everyone to me." Calypso pointed out.

By now I was completely confused. "???? What?? I don't get what you're saying, guys." 

Silena began telling the story:

"As most of us were dead, we were all alone. Seeing nobody for years. Not talking to anybody in years. I mean, it was not like we had to fight for our lives, but still it was horrible. I don't know where exactly we were, or why, but we could not choose anything and were allone. That is, until Percy started visiting us all everyday. Easieng our loneliness. He'd surprising not talk much, but still he helped us. So we kinda became motivated and could 'live' down there."

"After we became happy and motivated with that he got me to Luke. As we both were thankful to him and understood each other's feelings in that way, we were a pretty good group."

"I was pretty surprised, by the way. Normally he'd visit alone. And suddenly there was a girl following him." Luke laughed.

"Luke! I'm telling the story! *Cought* ok. So, after that, he came less. And after some time, he brought Bianca."

"Yes. But I was wandering before that. He was just suddenly showing me the way." Bianca said. I could see Silena get irritated.

"Yes well.. this kept going. He brought Calypso after that. She was kind of shy when she came to us, but soon she was a real member of our group. Percys rare visits continued. Soon he somehow came back with Zoe. And lastly Castor. Then one day, we were recruited by Chaos."

She ended her story.
Good thing, they couldn't see my face. Because I was really confusing by now. Me? Helping them? When did that happen? How come I didn't know of that? How did I get to them? As I was starting to get irritated by the thought of not knowing things,  Castor suddenly spoke up.

"Of course we know that that wasn't the real real Percy. Probably a part of him that was subconsciously helping us, while, I don't know, he was asleep or so."

Thank you Castor! That could actually be right. And I didn't have to think about it. I subconsciously relaxed a bit. I sat down on a chair. "So? What are you gonna do now? I think you should reveal yourselves. That will make everything way easier." They looked at me. After some time they nodded.

"But this will have to wait" I said while standing up. I started walking to our rooms, to search for mine. I will have a little talk with someone..

Chaos POV

As I was searching for the next documents I needed I suddenly felt a shiver going down my back. This is not good..

Daaaad.. a soft but creepy voice called out. And I shivered again. Oh no.. he's angry. it son?.. I answered a bit scared.

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