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Hi! My names Lexi River ,I know weird huh? I'm a 16 year old werewolf , yah yah ' that's so cool' well actually it isn't !!!

I get beaten daily by my pack, especially by the Alpha, his name is Jason , he's your typical player I mean why isnt he ,he's got the looks, the sluts falling at his feet AND he's got the money he even made my OWN brother hate me, my own flesh and blood.

Any way this all started that horrible day, I WAS ONLY 10 YEARS OLD.!!! unable to shift.!!!


I was outside playing with my dolls when all of a sudden theres the most terrifying growl I've ever heard !.


I let out scream when its about to lunge at me, when all of a sudden my mom jumps in front of me ,protecting me from the rogue.

As the rogue jumped it landed on my mom ripping her to shreds.

My dad comes running out minutes later and jumps on the rogue but when my dad saw my mom dead he just gave up and the rogue took that chance to kill my dad.

The Alphas son Jason and the Alpha himself came out to see what the racket but stopped when they saw a rogue and my dead parents , the alpha and lunas best friends, the alpha shifted and killed the rogue, went behind a tree ,shifted back and came out

"What happened here "screamed the alpha all his alpha power showing.

"Lexi's parents risked themselves just to save her"said Jason the-soon-to-be-alpha.

"Its all her fault that they're dead dad" said Jason again.

"be quiet son "The alpha ordered.

"this is not her fault, they were her parents after all so she feels the worst pain of us all"the alpha explained to his son.

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