8 * It's gone*

33 4 0

Corbyn's P.O.V

Rose is finally asleep. I feel so bad for her. She really doesn't deserve this, not one bit. I look at her while she's sleeping, the one time she gets peace is when she sleeps. I watch as her chest moves up and down as she breathes. She turns slightly where her face is in my chest. I hold her by the waist and put my chin on top of her head. I sigh and think about tomorrow. Me and the boys are going to drive her to the abortion clinic, to get rid of the baby. I know one thing, when this is all done and over with, it's going to kill her inside. She's going to regret it, and she's going to blame it all on herself, when really none of this is her fault. She's been through so much. I hate to see her upset, I really do. Every day I realize I'm falling for her, more and more, and I can't stop it. Believe me I've tried. I thought when we moved away, that my feelings would go away, but they didn't. I just missed her every second of every day for the past year. When she showed up my heart just exploded, seeing her again made my feelings stronger. I just can't get rid of them. I know Zach likes her too, but I can't really do anything about that. Even if she ends up with him, I'll be happy for her, as long as she's happy. That's really all I want for her,

to be happy. She doesn't really get that anymore. She moves again in her sleep so the palm of her hand is layed directly on my chest. I look over her so I can see the clock. It's currently 7:30 in the morning. I didn't sleep all night. I'll wake her up in half an hour, so she can get ready. I want her to get it done so she can go home and sleep.

At 8:00 I wake Rose up, so she can get ready for this.

"Rose, wake up." I say as I shake her shoulders, lightly. She turns over in the bed, and opens her eyes slowly. She sits up and rubs her eyes with her hands. When she's done she looks at me and smiles fakely. 

"Ok, I'll take a shower." She say's. She gets up and grabs some clothes from her bag and goes into the bathroom. After about 15 minutes she comes out wearing black sweats, and my hoodie that I gave her a year ago. Her hair is kind of wet and all over the place. I smile at the sight of her. She's adorable. She goes to her bag and grabs her makeup bag, she looks at it and tosses it in her bag, and just shrugs her shoulders. She goes over to the front of the closet and grabs her sneakers. She sits on the edge of the bed and puts them on. She turns around to face me.

"Your turn bean." she says as she smiles.

I get up and grab clothes from my closet. I go into the bathroom, and turn the shower on. I undress and get into the shower. I let the hot water flow over my body. I look down and get lost in my thoughts. After about 5 minutes, I snap back into reality, and wash my hair and my body. When I'm done washing, I walk up to the mirror, and swipe away the fog. I look at my reflection and splash cold water in my face. I put my seats and hoodie on and walk out the bathroom. I look at my bed, and Rose is laying there, on her phone.

"Hey, Bean." she says as she looks up from her phone.

"Hey, you ready?" I ask. She nods her head yes. She gets up and we head downstairs.

When we get downstairs she goes straight to the car. Me and the boys follow. We all get in the car, I sit next to Rose and so does Zach.

It's a quiet ride to the clinic, but when we get there she looks scared, we walk into the building and me and the boys sit down, she walks up to the counter and the lady takes her away, before she leaves she comes and hugs us all. We wish her good luck and just like that she's gone.

After about an hour of waiting she finally comes out. I see her and stand up, she immediately comes over and hugs me. Then the others stand up and hug her.

"It's over, the baby is gone." she says as she looks down. We all hug her again, and take her home.

When we get home, she sits on the couch and sleeps for an hour. Me and the boys watch tv silently, while she sleeps. When she wakes up. She smiles and stretches.

"Hello boys." she says as she gets up.

"Someones feeling better." I say as I smile.

"Much better actually." she says as she walks into the kitchen.she grabs an apple and comes back out to the living room. She sits on the couch and takes a bite of the apple. We all look at her and smile.

"So, when are we going to get the old Rose back?" Jack asks.

"When you cut your hair." she says as she laughs.

Me and the boys smile at each other and then look at her.

"What are you bozos looking at?

"You." Zach says as we all laugh.

Take a picture, it will last longer, dummies." She says with a slight angry tone. I look at her and smile. She's back. 


Ayeeeee! Rose is back but is she really? Find out in the next chapter!

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