5 *Blondie*

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Previously: We started to walk towards the entrance, we all looked back and waved. She waved back and blew a kiss at all of us. We saw tears stream down her face, as she walked away. We get on the plane and sit down. We all looked at each other then at the bracelets she gave us. We all cried silently realizing what we just left behind.

Still Corbyn's P.O.V

When the memories flood back I start playing with the bracelet that was still on my wrist, I always played with it when I thought about her. I never took it off. I also realized why that hoodie Rose was wearing looked so familiar. That was the hoodie I gave her when we left. It looked cute on her, then again everything looked cute on her. I looked around to see Daniel Playing fortnite with Jack. I got up and went upstairs to my room to get my jacket. When I walked in the room, rose was still sound asleep on my bed. I walked towards the bed, and knelt beside her. I kissed her forehead and walked out the room as I got my jacket. I walked back downstairs and went out the front door. I went to my car and started the car and drove to the store. I got Rose a new phone and headphones. I also got her chocolate and bought bacon and pancake mix for tomorrow's breakfast. I got popcorn and ice cream, so we could have a movie night.

I go back to the house to find Rose sitting on the couch having a good time with the boys.

"Corbyn!" she yells as she jumps off the couch. She jumps up into my arms almost making me drop all the bags I had in my hand.

"Rose, are you ok?" I laugh.

"Yeah, I just missed you." She says as she lets go of me.

"Oh believe me, I missed you too. I say as I pull her into another hug. 

Rose P.O.V

When Corbyn let's go of the hug I smile at him.

"Where did you go, bean?" I ask.

When I said his nickname that I always used to call him he looked at me and put the biggest smile on his face I've ever seen. He runs up to me and hugs me, then he picks me up and spins me. I laugh and smile as he spins me. When he puts me down I laugh some more.

"What was that for?" I ask while I'm laughing.

"You said my nickname, blondie. I haven't heard it in forever." He smiles and laughs.

"Well, Bean expect to hear it a lot more now that I'm here." I say.


"Oh here's a phone, and headphones, Oh and some chocolate."

"Oh my god, thank you so much Corbyn." I yell and hug him.

After Corbyn gives me the phone, We all sit on the couch and decide to watch a horror movie. I sit between Corbyn and Zach. I have my legs on Corbyn and my head on Zach's shoulder. In the middle of the movie there's a jump scare, and I hide my head in Zach's chest. Zach laughs and rubs my shoulder.

"Hey, it's ok Rose, I'm here."

I look up at him and smile. He looks back down at me. I stare into his chocolate brown eyes. We stay like this for about 30 seconds till finally I pull away from his gaze. I lay my head back on his shoulder, and try to forget about what just happened. Did I like Zach? No I can't, I like Corbyn. Do I like both maybe? I don't know. All I know is when I look at both of them I get this weird feeling. I look up at Zach again, this time he doesn't notice. He is attractive, his messy unkempt brown hair. His chocolate brown eyes that are so pretty when the light hit's them. The way he smiles, his jawline that is so uhhh I don't even know how to explain it. Then I look at Corbyn and his blonde platinum hair. His smile, his bright greenish, bluish eyes. Everything about him is perfect, and same with Zach. What was I supposed to do? As I'm lost in my thoughts, I get tired and realize that I start to drift into a deep sleep. 


OMG tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, who does rose like? Keep reading to find out. 

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