18 * I thought*

33 2 2

* I just want to point out, I have no hate for Christina! I love Christina and I think she's an absolute queen. She and Corbyn are so cute, and absolutely no hate from me! #Corbina 4 life* 


"Christina" I say shocked. She knows Rose? I look at her and just smile. What am I supposed to do? My ex girlfriend is standing with my current girlfriend. How am I supposed to react. Rose looks at me confused and turns her head to the side. 

"You know each other?" She says as she points a finger at both of us. How in the hell am I supposed to tell her. 

"We dated." I blurt out. I quickly cover my mouth, instantly regretting what I said. I lower my hand slowly and just stand there staring at her. She looks at me and smiles, then laughs." OMG, what a coincidence!" She says as she laughs. She walks back towards me pulls me into a tight hug. As she touches me my muscles relax and I become less tense. I breathe in her smell and calm down. She smells like vanilla and cotton candy. I hug her back and look at Christina. She smiles at me and just waves. Rose lets go of the hug and goes back to Christina. They seem to get along just fine, so I shouldn't have anything to worry about, should I? I let the girls talk and I walk out of the room to find the boys, to ask for advice, because honestly I have no clue what to do. I walk around looking for someone. Suddenly I bump into Jonah. 

"Hey Jo." I say as he sits on the couch. "Whats up Corbs?" He asks as he pats the seat next to him. I take his offer and take a seat next to him. He looks at me and smiles. "I need advice. Christina came tonight and now is talking to Rose, and Rose knows we dated but she's no mad or anything." I blurt out so fast, that I'm sure Jonah couldn't understand a word I said. He looks at me and looks away for a minute, then he takes a sip of his coffee and looks back at me. "If they are talking and not fighting, I wouldn't worry about it, clearly they are getting a long and are having a good time. Unless something happens between the two leave them be, and see what happens from there." I look at Jonah and smile. "You are right Jo, this is why you are the mom of the group." I say as I laugh, Jonah lets out a slight laugh and we sit there and talk for a little. After a while Rose and Christina come out laughing their heads off. They both are laughing so hard that they look like tomatoes. Christina hugs Rose and waves bye to me. I smile and wave back. Rose comes and sits on my lap and kisses me. She pulls away and yawns. 

"Can we go back to the hotel, bubs?" She says as she yawns again. I nod my head and pick her up bridal style and carry her into the car. We all drive back to the hotel and while driving Rose fell asleep on my shoulder. I look down at her peaceful face. For once in her life she's happy. This is what she deserves. She deserves more, she deserves the word to bow down to her, like the queen she is. When we get to the hotel I pick her up again and carry her up to our room. I open the door with my key, and walk in and close the door. I walk over to the bed and gently lay her on the bed, I take off her shoes and cover her with the blanket. I brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I get in the bed and drift off into a nice sleep. 

2 am in the morning

I wake up to Rose not in bed. I quickly sit up and look around, rubbing my eyes with my knuckles. Where is she? I sling my legs over the bed and walk to the bathroom the light was on. I put my ear up to the door, and listen, I hear the faint sound of crying. Rose I immediately thought  I turn the handle and open the door.  

"Babe are you o-" I stopped dead in my tracks. I see Rose sitting on the ground, crying with a razor held up to her wrist. She has some new cuts oozing blood out of them. I kneel down beside her and take the blade out of her hand. I pull her into my chest as she cries. Letting my shirt swallow all her sobs and tears. I pat her hair telling her everything is going to be ok. I thought she was doing good. Why would she do this again? I held her close to my chest and kept saying shh to her eventually she calmed down. I pulled her out of the hug and looked straight into her eyes. I grabbed her shoulders and looked at her. Tears now were streaming down my face. 

"Why would you do that?" She looked away from me. I lifted her chin towards me so she was looking at me. 
"Babe, you can tell me whats wrong." I said as I searched her face for emotion. All I could see was a broken girl. that thought she was worthless. 
"I-i-i don't kn-know." She finally managed to get out. I pulled her closer so our lips connected. I gave her a sweet passionate kiss, smiled. She smiled back. I helped her clean up her cuts and wrapped them in bandages. I carried her back to bed and put my arms around my beautiful girlfriend. She quickly fell asleep, but i couldn't sleep so many thoughts are running through my head. I look at Rose and smile, when all my worries fade away slowly as I drift off to sleep again. 

Hey guys!!! I'm kinda liking this chapter and I hope u do too! I'm so happy and grateful for everyone that reads my book! I know it may not be so good, but hey its my first imagine cut me some slack. 

Anyway bye loves!!!

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