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Ava's POV:

I woke up the next day, pretty early. Aaron and I made plans to go to an early lunch, before he leaves back to Orlando. I got ready and stuff. I wore a pretty basic outfit. It was really nice outside. I walked outside to get my black bag from my car, I left it there this morning. I saw Liangelo and Lamelo outside, it looked like they just got back from a run.

"Miss thing" Lamelo said
I laughed "you guys loveeee to call me that"
"duh you're Miss thing" he said and flipped his non existent hair
I laughed
"Hey Ava" Liangelo said
"Hey Liangelo" I said and smiled slightly
"Where you going" Lamelo asked
"lunch with one of my friends" I said
"Oooo Mr Aaron Gordon" Lamelo asked
I chuckled and nodded
"Y'all talk" Liangelo asked
"No, I just met him. He's just one of Chelsea's friends" I said "But I'll catch you guys later okay"

I walked back inside and switched my purses. I grabbed my phone and keys. I headed back outside and got in my car. I got a message from Liangelo.

Liangelo Ball; we need to talk Ava

I know. We will.

I drove to where Aaron and I were meeting up. It was a nice lunch. We talked about a lot of things. He's going to try to come back to LA when I move, to help me and stuff. After lunch I went back home since I didn't really have anything else planned. Ashley texted me to go over to the Balls, to get in the pool and stuff. I guess I'll go. I got dressed into my swim suit and headed over. It was just the usual people, Melo, Ashley, Denise, and Lonzo.

"hey" I said to everyone
"Miss thing" Lonzo said
"hey Zo" I said and smiled
"I haven't seen you in a minute" he said
"I know Mr NBA" I said and laughed

I looked over at Liangelo he was in the pool, playing with the basketball and net. I smiled slightly. I walked over to Ashley and Denise. They were tanning. I took my cover up off and laid next to them on the tanning chair.

I started to get into the pool. I swam over to Liangelo.

"hey" I said and smiled
"hey Miss thing" he said and smiled
I rolled my eyes playfully
"how's Jaden" I asked
He shook his head "we aren't together anymore"
"Isn't she pregnant" I asked
"No absolutely not" he said
"Then why'd she say she is" I asked
"Because she's crazy" he said
I shook my head "how's your schedule now"
"I still have workouts every morning, and night, and practice mid day" he said
I nodded
"What about you" he asked
"I quit ucla cheer" I said quietly
"What, when" he said confused
I nodded "This morning, I don't know if college is what I wanna do, I promised my parents I'll take online classes this semester until I figure out what it is I wanna do. I'm doing comp cheer still since it's fun and I'm with chels, and I'm just going to dance sessions every chance I get" I said
"It's not bad I guess. I just agree with your parents" he said
"I know you do, it's fine I'm taking online classes still" I said
He nodded "good.. so what about you and Aaron Gordon" he asked
"We are just friends" I said
"Really" he asked "because it doesn't seem like it"
"Yeah just friends, I just met him" I said
He nodded "what're you doing tonight"
"I have a dance class" I said
"oh forreal" he asked
I nodded "I'm going with Chelsea. It's one of her friends from Seattle he's a super popular like choreographer"
"That's dope. Let's go out tomorrow then" he said
"Let's do lunch" I said
He nodded and smiled

I chilled with them a little longer. We played basketball, and games in the pool. Eventually I had to leave and get ready for my dance class. I showered and changed into some comfortable clothes. Chelsea picked me up and I headed to dance class.

Liangelo's POV:

"she's not a Bruin no more" Lonzo asked me
I shook my head
"college is a scam anyways" my dad said taking a bite of his steak
We all nodded
"but then what's she gonna do because I know for sure her successful ass dad is not rocking" Lamelo said
We laughed
"Nah he's making her take classes still" I said
"She's really talented though" My dad said
"Gelo's in love" Lamelo said and laughed
I smacked him upside the head
"Aye yo" he said and laughed
"are you coming to help them move" he said
I shrugged "she ain't ask me to"
"Ashley said she's having Aaron Gordon help her" Lamelo said
I shrugged.
My dad laughed
"What" I asked
"Why are you just chilling, you like her boy, why you acting like you don't" he asked "that's why guys getting where you can't"
"we're going to lunch tomorrow, I'm not worried" I said
they all laughed
"You better get your girl before somebody else do" Lonzo said

I'm not really worried. Ava and I have always had a bond since day 1.

Ava's POV:

I got back from dance class pretty late. It was almost 10. Right when I got home I showered and got into some comfy sweat shorts and a white cropped tank. I turned on some all American, and ate some strawberries, I was hungry but not too hungry. I got a text from Liangelo.

Liangelo Ball: can I come over ?

Why does he want to come over at this time. I told him sure. Not even 2 minutes later, he texted me to open the door. My parents were already sleeping so I quietly went downstairs and let him in. We came upstairs to my room. As quiet as I thought we were my mom poked her head out her bed room door. She saw Liangelo.

"oh I'm so sorry Ms - I" Liangelo said
I chuckled
"It's fine" my mom said and smiled

She went back in her room.

"I'm sorry Ms I -" I mocked him
He rolled his eyes playfully "I thought she'd be mad as fuck"
I shook my head "my parents don't care, especially if it's you or any of your brothers"
He nodded
"Can I help you" I asked him
"I just nested to come over" he said and took his shoes off and laid in my bed
"Mmm okay" I said and laid next to him
"what's this" he asked referring to the show I was watching
"All American" i said
"everyone loves this show" he said
"Duh" I said
"How was dance" he asked
"Great" I said and smiled
"Dance really do be making you happy huh" he asked
I nodded "wanna see"
He nodded

I showed him a video Chelsea took of me dancing.

"Aw this is nice Ava, this is really dope" he said
I smiled "gracias"

I turned off the tv and told my Alexa to play music instead.

"So what'd you really come over here for" I said and rolled my eyes playfully
"Come here" he said and grabbed my waist "why do we keep playing with each other"
I shrugged "because you're confusing"
"nah I'm not, you just ain't tryna fuck with me" he said
I looked at him "seriously, because I definitely do. It's you, you always have something going on that doesn't allow us to"
"well I'm done with that" he said
I smiled slightly "bet then"
He smiled and pulled me close, he looked at my lips then leaned in slightly, I met him half way. Our lips met and oh my goodness it felt amazing. We kissed for a few seconds.
"are you staying" I asked quietly
"nah I wish. We have workouts in the am bright and early, but we're still down for lunch right" he asked
I nodded "yes of course"
He pecked my lips one more time before he headed out the door

I was so happy. I laid on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I got a text from him.

Liangelo Ball: you're my girl now 🥴

I really am his girl now.

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