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Ava's POV

It was draft day today. Everyone was really on edge and nervous. The boys had interviews all day, but Ashley and I didn't go to them. Ashley and I stayed to get our hair done with Tina and their grandmas. I watched some of the live interviews, every single one asked about his girlfriend.

"it's okay" Tina said and held my hand while we were getting our hair done
I smiled slightly

It's obvious what's going on with Liangelo and I now. It sucks but it's obvious. It was getting pretty late and the guys finally came back to get ready. I went to mine and Ashley's room to do my makeup and get dressed. I did Ashley's makeup too. She took pictures of me, and I ended up only posting one.

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@avanicole; Back up on my bs, done fucking with you.

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Ashley and I walked inside Lamelo's room to see if the guys were almost done and if they needed any help.

"wow" Liangelo said looking at me
"thanks" I said dryly
I saw they didn't need help.
"good luck" I said and hugged Lamelo "good luck Liangelo" I said and walked away

I walked downstairs. We waited for everyone to be ready. They took pictures and stuff. We headed to the Barclay Center. I could tell Liangelo was really really nervous.

We got there and the boys left somewhere with Lavar. We all sat down at a specific table. They talked a lot for the beginning. The boys finally came back. It took a really long time for them to get started but they finally did. Lamelo was first round draft pick as expected. He got drafted to the Lakers, Liangelo was second round draft pick to the Lakers. It happened like they wanted. I was really happy for all of them. Everyone was super happy for them. I was too. I smiled and gave them both a hug. The people talked some more and finally we left.

We went to dinner then back to the Airbnb. We were leaving back to California tomorrow morning. I was kind of glad. I didn't have to be around Liangelo anymore. I had to go back to the gym asap because we have a competition in a few days and I missed a few practices.

At the end of the day. I know Liangelo isn't going to leave his long time girlfriend for me. It just won't happen. I need to focus on myself and cheer, which is what I planned on before moving here. Not being with a guy.


We got back home pretty late. It was the next morning now. I was tired but of course I had to go to practice. I changed into my practice attire. I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs. My parents weren't home. I walked outside because Chelsea said she was outside already. I saw Liangelo waiting for me.

"hey" he said
"I have to go, I have practice" I said
"I know, but can we talk after" he asked quietly
"I don't wanna talk to you" I said "excuse me" I said and got in Chelsea's car

"He's never gonna give in" Chelsea said
I shrugged

We got to practice and started. I had so much to do. Thankfully I did pretty well.

"Okay so tomorrow morning bright and early we meet here at 6 am. We head to LAX TOGETHER please" the coach said "have a good nights sleep"

I grabbed my bag and walked to Chelsea's car together.

"are your parents coming to the comp" she asked
I nodded "yeah"
"What about your second family" she asked referring to the Balls
"I don't know to be honest" I said
"Okay babes, I'll pick you up tomorrow around 5:30, I have to pick up Macy and Gaby too" she said
I nodded "okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you"
"Love you too" she said and drove off

"Miss thing" Lonzo yelled from across the street
I smiled and waved
"We're going to your competition" he said
"Really" I asked
He nodded "we leave tomorrow night"
I smiled "yay I'm excited"

I walked inside my house and dropped my keys. I walked upstairs. I showered and changed into some PJS. It was only 8:30 but I was super tired. I did my last minute packing. I set my alarm for 5am. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"HIT HIT HIT" everyone said.

I took a deep breath. It was almost our turn to go. I looked to the side. I saw my mom and dad in the audience, along with, Lavar, Tina, the boys, Denise and Ashley.

"Chels I'm nervous" I said
"Aw baby it's okay. It's so fun once you start" she said and hugged me
I nodded.

We lined up into our two lines. I was next to Chelsea, and we were the line leaders. We held hands and took a deep breath. The announcer announced us, we walked out. I could hear my family yelling. I smiled and waved to the audience. Like we were supposed to do. We got into position. And off we were.


Liangelo's POV;

"oh shit" Lamelo said "them niggas flexible" he said referring to the guy cheerleaders on Ava's team

Her team is fire.

I got a text from Jaden saying she needed me to fly back asap because she had a problem. I was confused but she's never done this before, so I told my dad. He said to take a red eye home, he'd pay for it. so I did.


Ava's POV:

I got off the competition floor. I hugged Chelsea. We did so good. Of course we got 1st place. I ran out to my family. I hugged them all. I looked around for Liangelo but he wasn't there.

"he left" Ashley said knowing what I'm talking about
I smiled slightly "why"
"Jaden" she said
I nodded

I went back with my team. We got awards and things. I headed back to the hotel. My family wanted to go to Disney World so we did. It was fun. I still can't believe Liangelo left. What an ass. The rest of my time in Florida was pretty fun with my family and Ashley and them. It was nice.

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