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I woke up the next day. It was such a nice day. A summer perfect day. I grabbed my phone. I had some messages from Ashley and Denise, our group chat. I had a message from Liangelo. I was lowkey happy.

I don't understand why you're not tryna be my friend because of Jaden? Issues we have is between her and I. Nothing to do with you. You're just pretty so she's tripping.

That was last night. I guess I had fallen asleep already. I told the girls about what happened. They think it's best I stay away from him as well. I'm a girl so I understand how Jaden feels. And regardless, I'm starting to get feelings for the guy. It's just not a good mix.  I went to brush my teeth. I put on a rob and walked downstairs, I was starving.

"good morning sweetie" my dad said "I made pancakes, bacon, French toast, turkey sausages, hash browns, fresh fruit, a feast" he said
"Aw thanks dad" I said and smiled. I grabbed a plate and got to grubbin.
"So how was last night" my mom asked anxiously
"Mom relax" I said "he has a girlfriend"
"oh aw that sucks" she said
I laughed.
"we are going on their boat today" my mom said mumbling
"What" I said
"Yeah they invited us. I wanna go so does your dad, so you do too" she said eating a grape "be ready in an hour"
"what the heck mom" I said and rolled my eyes
"I'm sorry honey" my dad said
I sighed.

I was really trying to stay away. I still can it'll just be harder now. Especially since she's probably gonna be there too.

I finished my breakfast. I texted Ashley to see if she was going. She isn't, she has plans with her family, but at least Denise and Zoey are. I changed into a swim suit. I put on some shorts and white tank crop top over it. I grabbed one of my shoppers and put on some extra clothes and tanning lotion. Also a towel. I walked downstairs my parents were already outside. I heard voices. I'm guessing the neighbors were there too. I walked outside and saw everyone.

"finally girl" Denise said and laughed. She gave me a hug.
I smiled.
"ew" Lonzo said
I mean mugged him.
"ew yourself punk" I said
I dapped up Lamelo. And completely ignored
Liangelo. I know it's rude but it is what it is. I said hi to everyone else. Along with Lamelo, Lonzo, and Liangelo, Dmo, Eli, Kyle, and Zion were there too.

"Sweets you're gonna have to drive" my mom said
I nodded
I took my keys out my bag and got in my car. Liangelo, Lamelo, Kyle and Zion got in as well. I guess Lonzo was going with Dmo, Eli, Denise, and Zoey.

I gave Lamelo aux since he was the one in the passengers seat. He put on Gucci Cologne by K$upreme. I love this song so I sang along.

"I smell good, Gucci cologne, I don't wanna fuck, give me some dome, This bitch be thirsty, blowing my phone, Marvin Gaye with the Glock, let's get it on
Freestyle shit, I don't write my songs
Thirty clip hang out my jeans and it's long
Russian Cream Backwood, can't fuck with the bongs
Your bitch in my bed, I ripped off her thong
Smoking on Gushers, it's strong
With a bad bitch and her friend tag along
I smell good, Gucci cologne" I sang
"What the heck do you know about this" Kyle said
I smiled
"this her type of music look" Lamelo said and out on in the party by flo mili
"Duh" I said and sang that too
Liangelo smiled. Ugh he's so cute. 

We finally got to where the boat was docked. They call it a boat but it's more like a yacht. We walked in. It had three levels. Super nice. I put my bag down. We chilled for a little. The boys started talking and stuff and playing music. Denise and I took our cover ups off and went to the top floor to catch a tan.

"oh yes girl, can I have some" she asked referring to my tanning lotion
"Of course" I said and have her the bottle
"so what the heck is going on with you and Liangelo. I was meaning to ask you, but I didn't wanna do it in front of him" she said
"Wait what do you mean" I asked
"So after you told ash and I about what happened. This morning I told him like, maybe y'all should just not you know be too close because of her and like you're new at ucla and I don't want her to fuck shit up for you because of him, Lonzo told him the same thing. And he got all fucking defensive like saying he can do whatever he wants, and that Jaden is tripping, and how you and him know what's going on between y'all and all this shit. Me and Lonzo were like uhhhh okay" she said and laughed
"Oh my gosh, I have no idea. I told him like maybe we shouldn't be friends" I said
"he definitely likes you babes" she said
"oh heck no" I said
"He does" she said
I shrugged

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