1 ; memories

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A small girl sat on the front porch of her house, clutching her knees to her chest as she looked up at the blue sky. It was a peaceful scene, and the sky was without a cloud in sight.

The girl had quite a small frame. Not just because she was a child, but she was shorter than the average height for her age. She looked like any other child, though. She had dark blue hair and light blue eyes.

She looked from the sky to the yard of her house. Her front yard consisted of her porch, and some grass and dirt. Any necessities a normal porch would have.

Sometimes, she'd play with her toys on the dirt, making up stories of heroes and damsels, and how heroes saved everybody. It was stereotypical, sure. But it was childhood innocence.

The girl grabbed the doll that was lying beside her. The doll had silky dark blue hair, black buttons for eyes, and a small stitched smile.

She hefted it into her arms as she ran down the steps and sat down onto the grass. She raised it up into the air and mumbled words to herself.

Don't get me wrong. She wasn't a baby or anything. In fact, she was already 3 years old. She just didn't seem interested in forming coherent words when the whole words could be played out in her head much more realistically.

She giggled, weaving the doll through the air. But suddenly, she froze up. Every hair on her body stood up on end.

Her eyes visibly scrunched up, and tears teetered on the edge of her vision. She let a tear roll down her cheek as she screamed for help.

And when no one came to help her, she screamed even louder. She couldn't move. She was too scared. She was nothing but a small child, after all.

She felt a rising fear like it was creeping up her throat. At this point, her breathing was ragged and she couldn't scream anymore. Her throat was dry.

She couldn't do anything.

The beast crawled further up her leg. She clamped a hand over her mouth like in doing so the monster would walk away.

Instead, she just tasted the slightest bit of dirt on her lips. Shouldn't have touched the ground. It was an idiotic move.

And suddenly, her savior came.

A boy. The ash-blonde haired boy from next door. Her neighbor.

"Please... help me..." She mumbled.

She was crying, the tears rolling down her face in a steady stream.

The boy walked up to her, clearly concerned. His face was lined with shock and confusion.

But he put on his brave face.

"I'll save you!" He shouted.

And with a flick of his fingers, that monstrosity of a beetle had been sent flying into the grass, before scuttling away.

He smiled to himself. He just saved this girl. He reached out his hand to pull her up.

"You're safe now." He said to her, gently.

She grabbed his hand, and he pulled her upwards. She wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"Thank you..." She muttered, loud enough for him to hear.

She buried her face into his chest, inhaling the scent of his white t-shirt.

She looked up at the boy.

His red eyes seemed to pierce through her soul. She bit on her lip in fear.

In the television show she watched, all the bad guys had red eyes. She was scared and confused.

The moment he saw her expression, he softened his gaze in an instant.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

The small girl nodded, burying her head deeper into his shirt, feeling the silky material.

"That was one vicious bug to have you scared like that." He commented.

"It wasn't really big..." The girl mumbled.

"Hehe, are you scared of small bugs like that?" The boy asked.

She hit him lightly on the chest.

"Shut up... I'm not scared." She said.

They remained in that position for a while, just hugging.

The girl's face got redder and redder over time.

"So... what's your name?" The boy asked.

She looked into his red eyes, before replying, "Miku Fujin."

He smiled.

"Your name sounds pretty." The boy complimented.

The girl's face got redder again.

"Um, what's your name? You saved me... I should at least learn your name." Miku murmured.

The boy laughed.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou. Your hero." the boy pronounced proudly.

The tiniest giggle emitted from the girl.

"Bakugou..." Miku mumbled.

The boy looked at her skeptically when hearing his name.

"I think your name is pretty too, Bakugou-senpai." Miku said.

"I'm your senpai?" Bakugou asked curiously.

The small girl felt her face heat up. And she let go of the boy's embrace, before bouncing back to her front porch.

She gripped her small doll in her hand, before waving goodbye to Bakugou.

"I have to go... I'll see you around!" Miku yelled.

And then, she treaded into her house, with her doll in her hands.

Young Bakugou had a cheerful smile on his face as he walked home. Just a few houses away.

He was walking up the steps when he'd realized something. The obvious finally dawned on him. He'd actually saved someone.

And it was just a sheer coincidence that the person he saved was an adorably cute girl.

Bakugou shut his front door as the sun set upon the city. It was peaceful.


Oh my god guys I am so sorry! I promised that I wouldn't get carried away doing my bnha fanfic before doing fallen... but I couldn't resist! My ideas for this book were awesome in my opinion and I wanted to do them so badly. So I did. Kill me now...

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