I look out the rear view mirror to see what's been one of the best night's of my life disappearing behind me. But the center of last night is sitting next to me. Yesterday was all about him, it just happened to be a beautiful setting.

"Thank you for everything you did for me yesterday. I'm glad we were able to get that cabin and do a half ass camping trip." I chuckle and he smiles.

"I'm glad you had fun. I guarantee I'll never forget it." he turns to look at me with twinkling eyes, "There's going to be times I piss you off or drive you crazy to where you'll want to rip your hair out but I'll never stop loving you." he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb soothingly, "Never."

Trace knows I've got issues with what happened in my past relationship. I think it's sweet he's always trying to reassure me but I no longer need it. I know how he feels about me, I know the amount of love his heart holds.

"You know I never meant to fall in love with you." I give him a lopsided smile and he rolls his eyes.

"Well too bad."

I laugh and he smiles over at me.

A little while later we pull into the McDonald's parking lot and head inside.

He asks me to order our food while he runs to the bathroom. Before we left he drank an entire bottle of water, then locked himself in the car for two hours.

It doesn't take me long to figure out what to order. I get the same thing every time and I still remember what he got last time we were here.

I tell the cashier our order and hand her the money. She quickly punches in a few buttons, the register opens, she hands me back my change and the receipt.

Trace walks up, "So what'd you order me?"

"Chicken nuggets and a large fry."

He smiles. It's not a regular smile that melts my heart but instead, it gives me a warning. I'm-about-to-make-you-squirm the smile says.

I narrow my eyes, curious to know what he'll do next.

The lady old behind the register watches us, seemingly interested in a young couple.

He grabs my face in his firm hands and pulls my head towards him, leaving a big kiss on my lips and making a loud kissing sound, "You're the best sister ever!"

He takes his cup from my hand and walks away, clearly amused at my embarrassment.

The old lady gapes at us.

"That's not my- We'd never-" I take a deep breath, trying to explain myself, "He's my boyfriend."

She holds up a hand to stop me from saying anything more. She shuts her eyes and then opens them like I'd disappear if she did that enough times.

I finally just walk away and meet Trace at the fountain drinks.

"What was that?" I slap his arm with the back of my hand.

He chuckles, "I don't know what your talking about."

"You have everyone thinking we're siblings!"

He throws his head back laughing, "Actually, Ems I have the cashier thinking we're siblings. Nobody else heard."

I roll my eyes. I can never win with him.

We pick out a table and I make him go to the front to retrieve it. I'm not going up against that judgy old lady again.

He brings our food back and I dig into the deliciousness.

"Did your dad leave yesterday?" he asks me, starting conversation.

Together We Fallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें