"Dane Makisig Einstein, will you do me the honour of theoretically marrying me, until fourth period do us part?"

       "We have fourth period together."

       "I'm trying to be romantic here, Dane."

       "Proposing in a classroom isn't really romantic."

       I scowled as I released Dane's hands and sat back on the chair. "Some partner you are."

       "You're being dramatic."

       "I'm always dramatic."

       "Yes, I can see that."

       Since everyone else was now sitting down, meaning they found a partner or they decided to work alone, Mrs. Wizzle got the attention of the class. "Now, I'll need all of you to open your laptops, or just have one between you and your partner."

       As everyone was doing so, I looked at Dane. "I'm too lazy to grab mine. Can we just look at yours?"

       Dane chuckled as he was opening his laptop. "Sure." He moved it between us so the two of us can see it. He logged onto the school's website and went to this class's online forum. Mrs. Wizzle told everyone what files to open, so we did just that.

       "For the first assignment, you'll have to budget some sort of event," Mrs. Wizzle said. "If you're working with a partner, the event will be a wedding. If you're working on your own, I've provided some ideas on the criteria. If you think of an idea and you're not sure it would work, just ask me about it."

       Mrs. Wizzle talked about the assignment a bit more before asking if anyone had any questions. There were none, so she let us get to work.

       "Okay, so how about we get married in a concert hall?" I asked. 

       "Won't that be expensive?" Dane asked as he was looking at the criteria.

       "Yes, but I'm going to be a world famous singer, and you're going to be a world famous songwriter, so we'll have the money," I said.

       "You know, I just love how ambitious you are," Dane said. "And it does say we can pick whatever job we want for this assignment, as long as we can find approximately how much we'd make in a year. So it might be best for me not to do songwriter. That will be hard to find out."

       "Why not?" I asked. "What about how much you made already?"

       "Believe me, it wasn't that much," Dane said. 

       "Yeah, that just makes me want to sing this new song in front of her even more," I said. "I'm sorry you had to put up with her."

       "No, it's okay," Dane said. "I could have easily quit a long time ago. I didn't even know why it took me so long. It's like I needed some kind of excuse to quit. Or at the very least a reminder as to why I'm writing songs. I started doing it for fun, and it really is fun doing it for you. But with Carrie? Not really. Again, thank you, for what you did."

       "You don't have to thank me," I said. "I mean, you can thank me by agreeing to marry me at a concert hall."

       "Yeah, let's just figure out our jobs and all the other stuff before focusing on the wedding," Dane said.

       "All I heard was 'yeah'."

       "Of course that's all you heard. You really pick and choose what you hear, don't you?"

       "Well, I tend to focus on the positive things in life, so I just tune out anything that's negative."

       As Dane and I were working on the project, I did get distracted a few times. I was always easily distracted at school, but Dane never got angry about it. He just reminded me to focus, and that was it. And I was still, of course, helping out since it was a partner project. Even though I wasn't the best student, I always tried to do my part for group or partner projects.

       I would have hated it if I was left to do everything on my own.

       "You know, you're the only person I've worked with that's actually trying to do their part," Dane said to me. "Everyone else just either sits back and let's me do everything, or agrees to everything I saw without giving their own ideas."

        "Well, I didn't just partnered up with you for your brain," I said. "I did it for your looks, too."

       "Very funny," Dane said. "I'm being serious, though. You keep getting distracted, but once I remind you to stay focus, you get back to work. You've done more right now than any of my partners have ever done. Then again, we work together a lot at the movie theatre so it's not like this is anything new. It's just at school."

       "True," I said. "And I like working with you. It's like... we were meant to work together. Like we're better together."

       Dane smiled at me. "I agree." His face then faltered. "Oh no..."

       "What's wrong?" I asked.

       Dane sighed. "A song is forming in my head."

       "How is that a bad thing?"

       "Once a song forms in my head, I have to work on it. I can't ignore it, and I still have another period after this."

       "You can work on it now," I said. "This assignment isn't due for another week, and we'll have a lot of class time to work on it. Plus, we do see each other a lot. It's not like you working on it now will ruin our assignment."

       "You wouldn't mind?" Dane asked. "Because it's a really good song right now and I have to right it down."

       "Uh, of course not," I said. 

       "Seriously, you are the best," Dane said as he pulled out a notebook from his backpack. "Then again, this song is for you so I doubt you care at all if I work on it."

       "Exactly," I said. "And I would offer my help, but I suck."

       "You can still try to help," Dane said. "Or at the very least, you can read it as I go along just in case any ideas come to your mind."

       "I'll try, but don't get mad if I give you horrible ideas," I said.

       "I don't think you can," Dane said. "Alright, let's work on this."


i love their friendship so much lol

also zion's proposal is goals lol we all know he has probably asked dane to marry him more than once

and now i shall play persona 5 royal because omg i love it so much. that's why i'm getting this up so early so i can focus on the game (i also write while i'm playing when it's jus dialogue or something like that ahahaha)(it's how i do my homework too so i'm not bored or anything)(i have to write a 5-7 page research paper for my english class and i'll be doing that sometime this week while playing persona oops)

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