Chapter 29

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A day has passed and Y/N opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling. He notices he's in a room and not outside anymore and realizes he's laying down. He slowly sits up and figures out that the room he's in is the room in the infirmary. He looks to his left and sees an IV stuck in his arm. He pulls it out and attempts to get up from the bed but is stopped by the pain in his abdomen.

Y/N: "...fuck..."

His shirt is missing and his lower abdomen is covered by bandages. His knuckles are also patched up.

The door to the room opens and he sees Leslie standing there. Her face is red from crying and she looks shocked to see him sitting up. She then runs over to him and forces him into a tight hug. She starts sobbing into his shoulder while he pats her back. The hug is hurting him but he doesn't care.

Leslie: "..I thought...y-you...d-died.." She says while still sobbing.

Y/N: "Don't worry. I'm okay."

Leslie: " you're not."

The door opens again and Heather walks in. She looks surprised to see Y/N sitting up.

Heather: "You shouldn't be sitting up."

Y/N: "It's alright, I'm fine."

Heather: "Y/N. You lost two liters of blood in almost thirty minutes. You're not fine."

Leslie: "Lay down."

Y/N: "Les-"

Leslie: "Please."

He sighs and lays back down on the bed.

Heather: "You have a broken rib and a lot of cuts and bruises. You need to rest."

Y/N: "Okay. How's Louis?"

Heather: "He has bruises, a few cuts, and I managed to clean up his wound from the tree branch. He's awake right now."

Y/N: "Good."

Leslie: "Heather, can you give us a moment alone, please?"

Heather: "Sure. If you need me I'll be outside."

Leslie: "Okay. Thank you."

She smiles and walks out the door.

Y/N: "If you're gonna kill m-"

She grabs him and pulls him into a deep kiss. She lets go and hugs him again.

Leslie: "I'm so sorry."

Y/N: "It's okay, Leslie."

Leslie: "No it's not. I sent you out there. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be like this."

Y/N: "Don't blame yourself for this. If I hadn't fought Louis in the first place, we wouldn't be here."

Leslie: "What happened out there?"

Y/N: "We got attacked. There was a boy who looked about the same age as us and a much larger man who had a Russian accent."

Leslie: "Where?"

Y/N: "On top of the waterfall."

Leslie: "By..?"

Y/N: "Yes by there."

Leslie: "What else happened?"

Y/N: "The shorter one asked about Clem and Violet?"

Leslie: "What did he want?"

Y/N: "He wanted to know where they were. I didn't tell him anything. Then the both of them said something about Louis looking familiar. After that he told the larger man to kill us and he threw us off of the cliff."

Clementine and Male Reader: Betrayal Where stories live. Discover now