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You were disguised as a pure soul.

Soft voice, bright smile, toned physique,

pretty face, charming personality, with a brilliant mind.

You were perfect.

Too perfect.


I was dazzled by your angelic features.

I gaped as you stood at my front door.

"May I come in?"

Was the question that changed everything.

I cautiously invited you into my home.

Showered you with love and affection.

Gave you all my time.

All my energy.

The moment that I felt safe

and let my guard down,

you removed your mask.

A creature stood before me.

Scowling at me with red, demonic eyes.

It growled, revealing its bloody fangs.

I screeched with utter terror.

It grabbed me and thrust its fangs into my neck,

Sucking all the life out of me.

I suddenly felt drained.

I grew pale.

I came to the realization that you weren't pure.

You were an energy vampire.

You were toxic.

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