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Instructions: One of the most crucial elements of narrative writing is characterization. Both creative nonfiction, which we will be writing this week (see the Assignments tab for instructions on the first graded writing assignment), and fiction are explorations of character. What makes a literary narrative interesting is not just what happened--the plot--but who it happens to. Our understanding of an event depends on understanding the person or people it happens to and its effects on them. Learning how to evoke memorable, vivid, and real characters is crucial to making both fiction and nonfiction narratives come alive.

One good way to practice the art of characterization is to describe real people. Once again, showing, not telling, is a powerful way to help the reader imagine the people you write about. As you create your characterization exercise for our homework this week, work on continuing to use specific details to show, rather than tell, about the person. Try to make the person come alive for us.


Victoria was known by many at school. People either wanted to be her or be with her. Guys would rubberneck and gape at her as she passed them in the halls. Some girls gazed at Victoria in wonderment while others glared with envy. What was it about Victoria that made her so desirable and popular? No one could ignore her distinguishable features.

Victoria was the epitome of young and beautiful. She was a tall, voluptuous young woman with elegance and grace. The sports she played helped keep her body nice and fit. Someone could've easily mistaken her for a well-known model. She had thick eyelashes and perfectly arched eyebrows. The beauty marks on her face sharpened her almond shaped, brown eyes. Victoria had an intense gaze that felt like she was looking through your soul. She had a heart shaped, plump lips and a long nose with a wide base.

Victoria always slicked her edges and wore her long, defined kinky curls out or in a high ponytail. She was very meticulous about her appearance. Her stylish outfits, acrylic nails, and light makeup always matched. The warm colors she wore complemented her skin tone very well, especially yellow. Her gold jewelry made her skin glow.

She greeted her teachers, friends, and classmates with a bright smile and warm hugs every day. I always caught a whiff of her fresh lemony perfume when she would pass by me on her way over to her seat. She also radiated a positive aura that attracted and soothed others. Like others, I admired her beauty from a distance and couldn't help but wonder what it was like being that alluring.

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