Guess the object (Week 1)

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Hi! It has been a while since I've posted on here. Sorry. I am currently taking a creative writing class and I wanted to share some of my writing exercises and assignments with anyone who cares to read them. 

My professor created this exercise to help us work on descriptive skills. Her instructions: Describe an object in two or three paragraphs without mentioning the object's name. In other words, don't talk about the object, what it's used for, what it means, etc.: use only words that refer to what it looks like (and if you want to get fancy, how it feels, smells, tastes, etc.)This description attempts to show you what the object looks like instead of telling you what its function is. In other words, be sure to show, not tell!

This adorable, pink, glossy, fragile object is supported by four legs. People usually keep it on a flat surface. Children sometimes mistake it for a toy or pet, because of its animal like features--small, black eyes, wide, circular nose, pointy triangular ears, and chubby feet. It gazes at you, patiently waiting to be fed. The closer you are to it, the more visible your reflection becomes on its sides. Although the outside is odorless, the inside carries a metallic smell.

There is a slit opening at the very top of the object. The sound of metals dropping reverberates around the room as the object devours these materials. It gets heavier once its round stomach is filled with paper, copper, zinc, and silver. There is also a small opening at the bottom for emptying the object when it gets too full. What is it?

A piggy bank.

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