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Free Ice Cream

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Free Ice Cream

So after a painstakingly long time listening to Erica Sinclair explain what capitalism was, though Silver was interested since she had no idea what is was in the first place, and a promise to give the young girl free ice cream for life they were back at the loading docks. Robin had a radio in her hand while Dustin, Silver and Steve waited patiently next to her on the roof they hid on the first time they were here. It was night and the stars were glinting through the passing clouds, luckily it wasn't raining.

"Are you in position?" Robin asked Erica through the radio where the girl had one while she was at the other end, inside the vents.

"Okay, damn" Erica responded darkly. Even though the toughness of the situation, she was the least afraid of them all.

Robin sighed heavily and put the radio down. "That girl..."

"She is doing us a big favour" Silver replied. "I mean you did have to give her ice cream but still..."

"Now I wish I could fit through the vents" Dustin mumbled. "I love ice cream"

Silver chuckled but froze. She peered down at the loading docks where she saw three figures walk by. "Shit" She exclaimed.

"What?" Steve asked but widened his when he saw what Silver was pointing. "Guys, we have a problem"

"Dammit" Dustin growled. "What are we going to do?"

Silver sighed but stood up. She tied up her blonde hair in a scrunchie that she always had on her wrist. "I've got an idea"

"Please don't get yourself killed" Steve pleaded grabbing his girlfriend's wrist.

She patted his head. "I'll be fine, watch"

With that she hurried over to the door, opened it and rushed down to the ground. Steve breathed heavily as he watched her appear in front of the guards, armed with nothing but her scrunchie.

"Hey guys" Silver said casually.

They looked at her and grunted. "You shouldn't be here girl" One said sternly.

"Yeah I know" She said. "I work at the mall and I was just leaving" She explained fidgeting with her hair. "Then I noticed that there is some smoke rising from over there"

She pointed at the far end of the docks. The guards snapped there heads towards it where smoke was in fact rising out of a grate. She focused more on it and eventually bright flames started to dance out of the grate as well.

"Shit" The guards muttered and hurried over to the grate which Silver had made the fire, luckily quite far away.

She looked up and roof and waved the others down. She stared at the roller doors which eventually rose upwards. A staunch Erica stood in the entrance with her arms folded.

silver • steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now