Long Road Ahead

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Soon after Lisa Lisa and Caesar got comfortable with each other's presence, they talked for a little while. Then, Joseph got an idea. "Hey, Lisa Lisa-Sensei!" Lisa Lisa looked at Joseph, partially annoyed that he interrupted her conversation with Caesar. "I know this is an odd question but, do you think Caesar can grow legs? Like a human?"
Lisa Lisa hummed. "Maybe if we put him on land. I heard that mermaid's bodies adapt extremely quickly." Caesar nodded.
"But, can we do it at night? I don't want anyone getting curious, since there are a lot of boats during the day." The mermaid asked.
Lisa Lisa and Joseph both nodded. "Now we just have to wait until the sun sets! I'm so excited!!" Joseph yelled, bouncing around where he sat.

10 PM, BY THE SHORE————————————

It was just Joseph and Caesar. All alone by the shore. "Are you ready, Caesar-Chan?" Joseph asked. Caesar nodded, a bit nervous. Joseph helped Caesar out of the water and onto the sandy beach.
A few minutes passed. Suddenly, Caesar felt a sharp pain in his tail. Though, as soon as the pain came, it left.
"Did it work?" Caesar asked.
"Yeah! Yeah it did! You have legs now!" Joseph said, helping Caesar stand. The mermaid looked down at his legs and other parts of his lower body. Joseph blushed lightly and walked Caesar to shelter.

10:30 PM, JOSEPH'S ROOM—————————

Joseph put a shirt on Caesar and some boxers that didn't fit him. "We'll get you some clothes tomorrow." Caesar smiled and looked around the large room. However, then thing that caught his eye most was the bed.
"What's that?" Caesar asked, walking to the bed and sitting on it.
"Oh, this is a bed," Joseph said, sitting next to Caesar. "It's where I sleep. I guess you need a place to sleep too, so you can sleep with me for tonight." Caesar nodded and got under the covers, snuggling the pillows that were already there. Joseph gulped. He's so cute! He hesitantly got under the covers and slowly fell asleep with the blond mermaid at his side.

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