Episode 10: Regroup

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The day begins to end as the sun goes down and the moon takes its place. The calm ocean and light breeze offer a peaceful setting to the night. Stars shine through the many clouds in the sky while Rodan makes his way through the air. His wings beat every ten seconds as he examines his surroundings, looking for any sign of life. Rodan's eyes focus on certain parts of the sea, trying to find any aquatic members of the earth defenders. While searching, he asks himself if he should've just stayed with Kong and waited for the others to show up. Rodan does know that Kong is strong and can handle himself, but he questions if Kong can take on more than one mutant if they do end up finding him. If Megaguirus was here, then the others aren't far behind. Rodan knows that he has to act fast and find more earth defenders if he wants Kong to survive. Clearing his mind and slamming his wings together, Rodan rockets through the clouds at an incredibly high speed. He flies by the clouds so fast that he doesn't notice the bioluminescence following him. Rodan peers to the side and notices a light blue color shining through some of the clouds that were right beside him. Rodan stops himself and takes a moment to take in the sight. Shortly, the clouds are pushed aside as two large, bioluminescent wings appear. Rodan's jaw drops from both awe and excitement. After searching for hours on end, he has finally found another earth defender. The queen of all kaiju, Mothra, has arrived.

Rodan roars in joy and Mothra releases a small chirp back at her comrade. The two winged kaiju fly around each other in circles as they engage in communication. Rodan roars at Mothra, unable to contain his excitement which is a first as him and Mothra barely spoke to each other. But due to the circumstances they're at now, Rodan will accept finding anyone. Mothra begins to chirp at Rodan as she asks him many questions. Unable to comprehend what she's saying as Mothra quickly switches from one question to the next. Rodan roars at her as a way to calm her down. He then tells her that the only earth defenders he's come across so far are both her and Kong. Mothra grows surprised by Rodan's response as she didn't expect him and Kong to be the first ones to find each other. Mothra then asks if they've come in contact with any mutants. Rodan tells her about his and Kong's battle with Megaguirus. He then proceeds to tell her about the humans Kong is watching on the island that he left from. Rodan begins to act somewhat nervous as he feels that he's been gone for too long. Mothra quickly reassures him as she states she will return to Kong's location and stay there in case he is in need of assistance. Rodan calms down and tells Mothra the directions to get to Kong. Once he finishes, Rodan flaps his wings and swiftly enters the clouds as he soars off, continuing his search. Mothra begins to beat her wings together and heads back to the island.

Meanwhile, out in the countryside, King Caesar and Behemoth walk through the many fields and prairies. King Caesar keeps an open eye out for any other kaiju while his friend trudges along. Behemoth, limps with every step he takes as his right arm has been badly damaged. Before King Caesar found him, he was attacked by one of the mutants. He didn't expect the attack and was unprepared for his opponent. Behemoth barely even remembers the fight as the mutant attacked quickly and without hesitation. After each blow it threw at Behemoth, it immediately attacked once again. He tried his best to defend himself. He swayed his head back and forth, swinging his mighty tusks as a way to counter the multitude of hits. But sadly he realized his efforts were vain and he lost the battle. The mutant closed in on him, preparing for the final blow. Thankfully, Behemoth roared and King Caesar was close enough to hear his distress call. Caesar came to his aid and saved Behemoth from the mutant. The mammalian kaiju now has cuts all over his body and a large gash on his right arm. King Caesar assisted Behemoth most of the way as he lifted Behemoth's right arm over his shoulder and helped him keep his balance. Luckily Behemoth regained some of his strength back and was now able to walk on his own, despite his arm being in such poor condition. Now King Caesar keeps a close eye on his ally and repeatedly looks behind his shoulder just in case Behemoth needs any help.

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