Episode 7: Uraraka and the Beast

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A few hours into the night, Uraraka still remains wide awake. She continues to think about Izuku's speech as some of the monsters could be allies and not enemies. She knows that this could hold some truth as the monster they encountered hours before acted very curious like that of a normal animal. Uraraka then thinks up an idea that she knows is absolutely insane and dangerous. But she knows that if Izuku is right, then possibly her and the rest of the class won't have to deal with other kaiju on their own. Uraraka then slowly gets up from her sleeping bag as she checks to see if any of the teachers are looking in her direction. She then notices Mr. Aizawa scanning the area. She quickly lays back down and pretends to still be asleep. With one eye open, she watches Mr. Aizawa look around and tries to find the perfect moment to leave. For what seems like an eternity, Mr. Aizawa finally stares off into the opposite direction of where Uraraka is laying. She then takes this opportunity to quickly get up and run off from the rest of the group. Uraraka looks back one last time and continues forward. As she gets farther away from the group, she tries to remember the direction that the monster walked off to. However as she tries to remember, she soon realizes that that memory won't really offer any help. Uraraka starts to walk a few feet until she spots a massive footprint. She gets closer to the print and finds out there are more as seem to lead off in a certain direction. Uraraka grows more stern and follows the footprints.

After a few minutes, Uraraka arrives at the last footprint and finds herself in front of a gigantic cave. Uraraka carefully walks into the cave as quietly as she possibly could. The cave was dark and quiet, but there was no sight of any giant monster. Uraraka goes further into the cave until she bumps into something. She reaches her hand out and feels a rough, kind of scaley object. Uraraka then feels a huge gust of wind hit her right in face as her hair violently blows back. She then starts to become frightened as two orange eyes open up. At first the eyes slowly open up but as soon as they spot her, they are fully open. Uraraka gulps as the creature starts moving forward and gets out of the cave. Uraraka falls on her back as she watches the creature emerge from the cave's darkness and stand right above her.

Baragon then shakes his head and lets out a yawn of some kind. He looks down and sees another of the humans looking at him with only the emotion of fear displayed on its face. He then bends down and makes direct eye contact with the human. Baragon then realizes that this human is one of the younger ones and a female as well. He releases a low bellow and starts walking closer to the human. As he does, the young human starts moving back while still laying on her back. Baragon registers the human's emotion as she's absolutely terrified of him. He backs off from the human so as to not give her a heart attack.

Uraraka sees Baragon move back and sit down like a dog. She stands up and the two stare quietly at each other. Both fascinated by one another. Uraraka tilts her head as does Baragon. She tilts her head the other way which Baragon does the same, almost mimicking her. She then sees Baragon go back on all fours and walk forward. She backs away a few feet away but Baragon continues to get closer to her. Baragon's face is then right in front of her as his face covers up her entire vision. Uraraka then slowly lifts up her arm and reluctantly places her hand on the tip of his nose.

Baragon is surprised by this action and his eyes grow wide as no human has ever come this close to him. While most would run away in fear, this one human is brave enough to actually place her hand right on his nose. Baragon bellows softly as he becomes very calm and relaxed.

Uraraka opens her eyes and looks right into Baragon's eyes. As she looks at him, she notices that this creature isn't an aggressive predator but a creature that possesses emotion. She doesn't even think that she could call this thing a monster at all. She thinks of it more as a benevolent being. One that is willing to let her make contact with a calm attitude.

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