Episode 6: Kaiju Encounter

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Dawn begins to rise as the Thunderbird continues to travel through the clouds. All those aboard are sound asleep including the captains as the autopilot is turned on. The entire class, All Might and Aizawa rest while Gran Torino is the only one to be awake. He watches outside as clouds pass by every second. Gran Torino soaks in the silence as this will probably be the only time it will be this quiet. He shuts his eyes only to quickly open them again as the sun begins to rise over the horizon. Gran Torino smiles at the beautiful sight. The sun's light covers the whole sky including Gran Torino's view. While most would shut their eyes from it being so bright, he keeps his wide open so as to not miss this extraordinary view.
Gran Torino: Absolutely beautiful.
He says while sitting back in his seat and placing his arms on the two armrests. He takes a deep breath and exhales as he finally falls asleep.

An hour passes by and the sun has fully risen. While the sky is extremely bright, the heroes continue to sleep. All Might finally opens his eyes and gets up from his seat. He stretches for a few short seconds and transforms into his empowered form. He then yawns as he prepares to wake up everyone else on the aircraft.
All Might: Good Morning!!!
The entire class jumps up from their seats. All of them are shocked by All Might's voice and are now wide awake.
All Might: Hmmm, that was easier than I thought it was going to be.
Izuku: Morning All MIght.
All Might: Good morning young Midoriya! I hope you rested well!
Izuku: Actually I did. Those seats are super comfortable.
All Might: Well of course they are. They're made out of the softest material we could find.
Izuku: Wow what kind of material?
All Might: I actually don't know. The people who built this just told me that the seats are extremely soft.
Izuku: Oh
Gran Torino walks up to them.
Izuku: Oh good morning Gran Torino.
Gran Torino: Morning kid. Toshinori, did you really have to yell that loud?
All Might: Well of course! It was the only way to wake up all the students!
Gran Torino: But you couldn't have just waited a little longer to wake us all up.
All Might: But why would anyone want to miss this gorgeous view! It's quite incredible isn't it?
Gran Torino: Sure. Just find some way to make breakfast or else you'll have to deal with me on an empty stomach.
All Might gulps: Yes sir!
Aizawa: All Might, I need to talk to you for a second.
All Might: Be right there!
Izuku walks back to the students while All Might goes over to Aizawa.
All Might: What is it Aizawa?
Aizawa: We're gonna have to land pretty soon. The Thunderbird's energy is starting to deplete.
All Might: I thought it was supposed to have a powerful engine.
Aizawa: It does but we've been using it for so long that it needs to charge back up.
All Might: I see. How long will that take?
Aizawa: Couple hours probably. Maybe more.
All Might: Alright, we better find somewhere to land. At least it will give the students the chance to move around and get some fresh air.
Mr. Aizawa: Yeah whatever.
All Might: Alright students! Take your seats and buckle up! We'll be landing pretty soon!
The students of Class 1-A take their seats and buckle up.
All Might: Alright! Let's go!
All Might pulls the throttle and the Thunderbird flies off into the distance.

An hour later and the crew manage to spot a small desolate island. With no other option, the Thunderbird lands on the island. The class and pro heroes both make their way out of the aircraft and step foot on the island's surface. Aizawa is the last one to step off the Thunderbird as he grabs a small device that can describe how much of the Thunderbird's battery has been charged. As he makes his way down the stairs, he sees the entire class running around the proximity of the Thunderbird. Laughing and enjoying the outside breeze. Aizawa just shakes his head at their tomfoolery.
Aizawa: Well, this could be the last time they actually have some fun on this trip.
Aizawa goes over to the shade and sits down.
Izuku finds Iida and the two talk to one another while walking across the grass.
Iida: I must say, it feels great to be outside and not cooped up in that plane.
Izuku: Yeah, I agree. I thought we were going to be inside that thing forever.
Iida: Oh please. I don't think Aizawa or All Might could've handled us for that long. They probably would've gone insane.
Izuku and Iida both share a laugh as All Might watches from a distance. Gran Torino makes his way towards his apprentice.
Gran Torino: You know I can tell when something's bothering you Toshinori. Your smile starts to fade away.
All Might: I'm just worried about them.
Gran Torino: Which ones?
All Might: All of them. None of these students have ever faced a situation on this scale. Of course they've faced villains before but nothing like these creatures. I fear for their safety and I know that I must be willing to give it my all if it comes down to that.
Gran Torino: Although you may be right, I feel that you don't have enough trust in them. If some of these students were able to take on that one creature that attacked Musutafu, I think they have a chance to defend themselves against the others.
All Might: You always had a way with speeches.
Gran Torino: I know I did because they always worked on you.
All Might chuckles and the two heroes watch as the students continue to enjoy their little rest stop. Gran Torino then notices something.
Gran Torino: Wait, why does it seem that there's less kids here than before.
All Might sits back up.
All Might: What do you mean?
Gran Torino begins to count the number of students present.
Gran Torino: I could be wrong but I think we're missing two students.
All Might: What? I thought everyone was present?
Gran Torino: Doesn't seem like it. You stay here and watch the other students. I'll go look around and see if I can find the other two. The island isn't very large so let's hope I find them soon.
Gran Torino jumps off as he searches for the two missing students.

My Hero Academia: Rise of the Kaiju- Season 1Where stories live. Discover now