his name is happiness pt 5 - neji

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prompt came from my instantgram @ lucid.and.damned ! also i'm not sick of his name is happiness, it was just..way longer than i thought it was gonna be. i didn't update for a few days... sorry :/

"Well, a long time ago, I was dating a girl-"

"Mom, right?"

"Yeah. At the time, I just thought she was really pretty and really strong. Most of the other boys in the village didn't have girlfriends, so I bragged about her a lot. She really loved me. She did stuff for me all the time, and she told me she loved me whenever she had the chance. We were together for a really long time, too, so I guess I just got used to her doing all that and took her for granted. I was smart when it came down to all the training I'd done as a ninja, but I'd never been good with people, especially girls. I just kept showing off and making the other boys jealous, letting them know I was better because there was a girl who really loved me in my life."

"Mom lived with you, right?"

"Yeah. Even though she was on the same team as me, going on missions, training hard, and going out with friends, she was always the one doing the housework. All on her own... I was okay with that back then, because it gave me more time to train or spend my time doing things more fun than that. I really was stupid... I hadn't realized just how amazing your mother truly is back then, but I don't think you'll ever have that problem. You see the value in everyone, don't you, Sa?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Hm... What I mean is, when someone says they love you, you already know whether you love them back or not. Is that right?"

"I guess so."

"That's good. I'm sure Tema's said I broke momma's heart, and it's because I wasn't like you. One night, she told me she felt like I didn't love her back, so we- Uh, well, we did something that couples do when they love each other. We did that a lot, actually... The problem with that is that there's a risk of the woman getting pregnant, and momma did, but we didn't know."

"Right. Because momma only found out when she got here, right?"

"Mhm. I just kept thinking about how she thought I didn't love her, and the more I thought about it, I understood why she thought that. She was great, but I never did anything for her. So, being the stupid teen I was, I came to the conclusion that maybe I didn't love her, that she was right. One night, when she came home from an evening out with friends, I told her I didn't love her. She spent the night at her own compound that night, I believe that's when she sent the letter to Gaara that said she would be moving here."

"And you? Tema used to just get mad at this part and talk about how awful you were, and Kankuro always just left off when they get the letter and momma moves here, and Gaara just talks about the letter too much..."

"Well, it was the first night in a very long time that she wasn't with me, and I realized just how quiet it was without her. The bed was cold, too... And no one wished me sweet dreams, or said good night, or whispered I love you before I went to bed. I think that was when I realized what I'd actually lost."

"So you did love momma?"

"I did. A lot. I've never been very good with people, though. I've never... Before your mother, I don't think I'd really loved anyone."



"That's really sad. Loving people is so... I mean, I don't love anyone like that, but I love you and momma, and Tema and Gaara, even Kankuro..."

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