fate - lee

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REQUEST THINGS YA BASTARDS red string of fate au (bro imagine being as babie as lee)

Neji's obsession with destiny and fate is justified, because he's right, but he's just... A little off. Destiny and fate are real and all, but they fluctuate a bit. Nothing's set in stone, or at least not completely.

There's an absolute beginning, an absolute end, and four absolute moments. There's two absolute people.

Most clans have a kekkei genkai that's useful in combat, and that makes their clan members stronger shinobi... And then there's us. 'Oh, hey, do you want to know who your predetermined best friend for life is? I can also tell you what the most important moment of your childhood was!'

Most of my clan thought it was pretty useless. Some of the clan ran a fortune telling business. My older twin sisters used the power so they could gossip with each other without spoiling the future for their friends. I was one of the ones who thought it was useless.

I'd only used it a few times, but I remember exactly what I'd seen.

The first time was on accident, but I'd only seen strings- What leads us to those two absolute people. There had been a married couple in the street, and there was a red string strung between each of their hearts, meaning they'd married their soulmate. There'd been another couple, exiting a restaurant and presumably on a date. There was a red string attached to both of their hearts, but the strings both led off in different directions. Three of them also had blue strings leading off in different directions, meaning their best friend was out there somewhere. The man with the wrong girlfriend had a blue bow tied around his heart, which meant the best friend the fates had given him was dead.

The second time was on purpose. I did see the strings, but I also saw the moments. My sisters had convinced me to, and they both already knew their soulmates, best friends, and moments from looking at each other's. I was hesitant about seeing the moments since I didn't know what it was like, but they assured me it was fine, so I gave in. All I had to do was touch one of them, and I'd see all her moments in a second, though it would last longer in my head. Her childhood moment was seeing our other sister's strings and moments for the first time. Her teen moment was getting drunk for the first time at a party. Her moment as an adult was her first kid, and her moment as an old woman was the dumb joke she makes right before she dies.

And none of that is useful in battle. Every other kekkei genkai has some cool first level power and an even stronger, better second level, but ours just has 'strings and moments' and 'frustrating and satisfying Neji at the same time.'

The second part of what we can do is look at the current and upcoming parts of someone's life, up to a certain point. Y'know, fortune telling stuff. We can 'tell them their destiny.' Neji would love it. If anything bad is coming up, we can suggest ways to help them 'change their fate.' Neji would hate it.

But the things that happen between anything that isn't concrete can be changed.

The people can't though.

My sisters have said they've seen kids walking around with red bows. Blue bows make me sad, because those people won't have the right person to depend on, or joke around with, or go to in times of crisis, or just to laugh with...

Both of my sisters have looked at each other's moments and told each other what they saw. They looked at their own strings and followed them to the end- Well, one of their red strings led out of the village.

I could never look at my own strings... Although I do have questions.

Can you have a crush on someone your red string doesn't lead to? Does your red string and blue string ever lead to the same person?

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