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There's still a song inside the halls in the dark.

I'll come for you, if you just stay where you are.


Weeks passed. Despite all of Miss Lewald's urging to get a song figured out for our dance, we just couldn't find the right one. But she couldn't complain too much. We were working hard, practicing moves and lifts together.

By the end of Wednesday and Thursday night rehearsals, we were both smiling. And I was more grateful for that than anything else.

Most days, we did our homework in the park. We helped each other study and bring up our grades in the classes that we hated.

Over time, I built up my confidence. I asked her a question I'd wanted to ask for a long time.

"Will you go out with me?"

I saw the fear flash in her eyes. She took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

We went to the movies the next Friday and nothing went wrong. I then invited her over the following Sunday to hang out while my mom was having dinner with an old friend. I promised to make her dinner.

I saw the hesitation in her eyes. The complete fear.

And I was an idiot for not heeding its warning.


Arielle came over with a couple of movie options in her hand. Excited, I started the mac and cheese for our dinner. (Note: I'm not a good cook so this is the best I've got.) After a couple of minutes of catching up, I said, "I'm going to get some blankets for the movie. Do you mind watching the noodles for a minute?"

She shook her head.

I ran upstairs, grabbing two blankets out of the closet in the hallway. Then I heard the crash.

I dropped the blankets and sprinted down the stairs. A glass cup was shattered on the floor. Arielle was curled up in the corner of the cabinets, shaking.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Let me clean it up real quick."

I carefully tip-toed my way through the sparkling shards. I reached for her hand to help her up.

She pushed further back into the cabinets. "Don't touch me." Then the tears started to fall.

I felt helpless as I brushed up the pieces, wanting to hold her. When I finally finished, I said, "How about I drive you home?"

She nodded, and I grabbed my keys off of the counter.

"Let's go."

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