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But that was always the most difficult part.


Arielle didn't answer any questions in the office. She was silent, except for the inconsistent moans and gasps in pain. Her broken body answered all of the questions. Principal Nielson didn't hesitate to call my mother and Arielle's parents right away.

A receptionist brought our backpacks in right before the parents showed up. My mom, always the early bird, was the first to arrive, followed almost immediately by Arielle's parents. I sat down next to Arielle, her body falling into mine.

The story was relayed in just a couple of minutes. Arielle had always lied to her parents, and everyone else for that matter, about her condition. Most of the time, she pushed off her bruises by saying that they were from dance. Everyone had believed her. But then Principal Nielson showed the video from my phone.

Voices raised. Arielle's breath became steady against me. I heard my name.

"My question is, why didn't Christian do anything? It seems that he knew about this!" Arielle's dad screamed.

Arielle, who I thought was asleep, weakly called out. "No. Stop."

Everyone looked at her. "Christian didn't know. I told him yesterday. We haven't been talking recently, but then things fell apart, and he helped me. I told him to not stop filming. I told him to stick to the plan."

Silence fell.

"It's true," I whispered.

Principal Nielson followed. "Well, then, I see this is a fit time to expel Chase. I would like all of you to be present while I call him in."

"Of course," my mom responded.

Then, we waited.


The five minutes that it took to get Chase in the office felt like an eternity. Once we heard his voice talking to the receptionist, Arielle grabbed my hand. I relaxed.

How did I get from not talking with her to holding her hand?

Chase finally entered. He looked not a bit scared. That is, until he saw Arielle in the corner, the ice pack melting on her stomach.

"Chase," Principal Nielson began, "we have conclusive evidence that you have been hurting Miss Arielle for a long time. Everyone in this room, and the school handbook, call for your immediate expulsion from this high school."


"Christian took a video of your meeting with Arielle during fourth period today."

Arielle's father added, "You will never be seeing my daughter again."

Chase stood, quiet, in front of Principal Nielson's desk, watching his world fall in flames around him.

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