Ogon vs Smith Siblings

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    Nya and Kai sat outside the palace, waiting for the "Emperor" to finally open the gates to let them in. They spent the last 2 hours fighting and training with Wu. "Nya, remember you are small and nimble, use that. Kai, you are strong and fast, use the advantage," Wu would shout constant comments about their positions and poses. The weapons were new to the siblings, it gave them powers that they never felt before. By the time they finished, they were able to do spinjitzu and reached their full potential. Nya could summon water shurikens and spikes and cause them to explode from her trident. She then also create a mist to blind her opponent. Kai could make fireballs and powerful flamethrowers and shurikens. He can create a smokescreen to cover himself. Skylor trained among them as well, she too reached her full potential but couldn't do spinjitzu. She was able to absorb both of the sibling's powers and use both of them to good use. She wasn't part of the battle, she thought it was fun being able to use her powers.

   "Nya Smith and Kai Smith, Emperor Ogon wants to see you," a butler said and escorted them into the courtyard. "Whoa, I thought Ninjago's palace was massive, but this is extreme," Nya gasped. The palace is four-stories tall built in an "O" shape with a courtyard in the middle. "Daughter and son of my enemies, the Quiet One did a wonderful job of cutting you up, Nya," a massive giant the size of 2 stories of the palace said in a deep, low voice. "Of course, you're told of me. The rules are simple, first to fall will be exiled. The winner gets the crown," Ogon said. "Wow, he's taller then I expected," Nya whispered. "Who's the Quiet One? Does she have something to do with your bandages?" Kai asked. "I'm assuming the Quiet One is Harumi because before the "bandits" took me, Harumi cut me with a silver knife," Nya answered and looked to her opponent, trying to look for a weakness. "She did WHAT?! Nevermind we'll deal with her later, right now we have something uglier to face," Kai said and they both went into battle position.

   "Your turn first, pipsqueaks," Ogon laughed. With that comment, he got a fireball to the gut. "Not bad for Ray's son, but now it's my turn!" Ogon boomed and raised his fist and slammed against the ground, causing the siblings to thrown in the air. Nya shot water exploding shurikens from her trident. It only slowed down his attempt to punch them to the ground. "Owww...Ronin wasn't kidding about that this guy can break rocks with his fist" Nya whimpered as they dodged Ogon's landing. They ran into the palace and used the surprisingly empty rooms and shot fireballs, spikes, and shurikens at Ogon. After the smoke cleared, Ogon was still standing and laughed. "That's all you got?! Maya and Ray were weak, but their children are weaker! Let me show you what true power looks like!" Ogon shouted. He used his hands and snatched Nya and Kai through the windows and slammed them against the ground. Kai felt the wind being knocked out of him and Nya winced as the injuries before pierced her nerves. They laid on the ground, suffering from the pain. "C'mon Kai, we got this, we're the Smith Siblings! We can do anything together," Nya said as she touched Kai's fingertips. 

   A warm glow surrounded the two, relieving them of the pain. They were stronger and faster. Nya's eyes glowed blue, pale blue, and white, like the ocean while Kai's eyes glowed with red, orange, white and yellow, like fire. With a war cry, Kai jumped at Ogon and started punching at Ogon's body while Nya took Ogon's back. They kept attacking until their new burst of energy left. Ogon was left with bruises and scratch marks but still stood. "Heh, I didn't expect that, but now to finish you off," Ogon said and stomped toward the exhausted pair. Kai readied himself with fists on fire and Nya was ready with hands of water. They yelled a war cry and charged at Ogon, who in returned did the same. They hit Ogon in the gut with the hardest punch they could muster. Ogon and the siblings ended up on the opposite side from where they ran from. A small silence and Ogon collapsed. Nya and Kai were tired and collapsed but they were conscious. They fist-bumped each other and smiled. A gong was heard and they looked up to see Wu, Ronin, Pira, Tiejiang,  Sukaretto, Hupo and Skylor looking down with worried expressions. "Are you guys alright? We heard explosions and dust from within the palace. But the glowing part was probably my favorite," Skylor joked and helped the siblings up. Then a voice shouted,

"Ogon is defeated! The winners are Nya and Kai Smith,! All hail Empress Nya! All hail Supreme Commander Kai!"

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