13 | Don't Go Breaking My Heart

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Ray's exhaustion from the concert put him to bed at a decent hour, and woke him up at the semi-reasonable hour of ten in the morning. Sora was already awake, and when Ray stepped out into the open, Sora wouldn't have noticed were it not for the fact that Ray was wearing the sweatpants Sora had suggested he buy at Forever 21.

    Sora turned away with a roll of his eyes, thinking, Damn, I know this guy's whole wardrobe now, and decided that it was annoying.

    They left for Aldi's before both of them could be consumed by homework. Ray manned the cart while Sora wandered aimlessly through the aisles, disappeared, and reappeared only to drop something off in the cart. Each time, Sora found Ray in the produce section fondling fruits and vegetables.

    "Dude, are you gonna spend an hour poking mangos? Get a move on," Sora said.

    "It's serious stuff!" Ray insisted. He noted the egg carton Sora put in the cart and asked, "Did you check to see if the eggs are cracked?"

    Sora stilled, cursed, and reluctantly went to the carton. He flipped it open, judged from the surface, and shut the carton. "They're fine. Just get the damn mango, dude. We don't have all day."

    Ray shrugged and said, "Geez, alright, I'm getting the mango."

    Ray stocked up on cooking supplies and large vegetables that took up an obnoxious amount of space in the cart. He obtained the largest bag of corn tortillas imaginable on top of rice and pinto beans, which Sora eyed suspiciously as they stacked their items onto the conveyer belt to the cash register.

    True to his word, Ray paid for half of Sora's groceries, which Sora found hilarious in the sense that the twenty he gave Ray was now being used to pay for the other half of his own groceries.

    They kept to themselves during the trip, for the most part, which meant that the drive was quiet and contemplative. Sora spent the entire time inadvertently assessing Ray's driving skills, which resembled an elderly lady who was not only cautious, but also spoke to herself. The idiot wouldn't shut up during the entire drive, and it was all narration of events that Sora found mediocre at best. "No, after you, good sir. This is a four-way stop and you stopped first so after you."

    Sora was more than ready to eat a fuck ton of bread once they got back to the apartment, but before he could do that, he became aware that Ray was actually going to cook.

    And low-key... Sora wanted in on that.

    It started with Ray pulling out a pot the size of Chewbacca, which Sora had seen in the pantry and wondered what the hell could be cooked in that aside from a full grown toddler. Sora stood near his bedroom door, a slice of bread in his mouth, and his free arm folded over his stomach as he watched Ray whistle to himself as he filled the pot with water and poured an entire bag of pinto beans into it.

    Sora tipped his head to the side as Ray then poured a bag of pinto beans into a bowl of water. When Ray glanced back at Sora's room, though, Sora had disappeared behind his bedroom door.

    Sora gathered his books for class and took them with him to the living room. By then, Ray had all of the spices he had just bought out on the counter and could now be found peeling the protective covers off of each and every one of them whilst singing Don't Go Breaking My Heart under his breath, fully thinking Sora was still in his bedroom.

    Sora sat at the kotatsu with his back to the windows so the overcast could illuminate the pages of his text book. He propped it silently up on the table, his legs crossed beneath the comforter. He glanced up to where Ray was now dumping a smattering of spices into the pot.

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