"How come you're not dancing?" Someone asked.

I looked to see Kaylee standing at the table.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked, looking at Kaylee.

She rolled her eyes and sat down in a chair next to me.

"No, I'm not stalking you. I didn't feel like staying in my dorm room, so I came out to see what was happening," Kaylee told me.

I picked up my glass and took a drink.

"So, why are you sitting alone at a table? Didn't anyone tell you're prohibited from drinking alone?" Kaylee questioned.

"I don't consider pop drinking," I mentioned.

"Well, you could get a sugar buzz, and that's terrible. Then you're all hyped on sugar and won't sleep," Kaylee teased.

A smile curled on my lips, and I chuckled.

"Do you want to dance?" Kaylee asked.

I looked at Kaylee. "Yeah," I said as we got up. I followed her to the floor, and the DJ started playing Footloose. I started moving to the music, along with Kaylee.

Before I knew it, someone tapped me. I turned to see Parker. "Come on, Pres," Parker said, gesturing to me. I moved towards my brothers, and we started dancing as everyone cleared the floor.

"Take the lead, Presley," Payton said.

I moved to the front, and my brothers followed me. We turned and did steps, then Pat and Pax did a flip, then jumped up and got back into formation. We moved to the front, then back and side to side, doing a toe-heel step.

We finished the song by moving in sync. People clapped and cheered as my brothers jumped on me. A slow song came on, and I stood there as the others started dancing.

"Ask the girl to dance," Payton suggested, dancing with Josie.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I walked over to Kaylee. "Do you want to dance?" I asked.

"Sure," she answered.

We walked out to the dance floor. Kaylee put her hands on my shoulders as I put my hands on her waist. We started moving along with the music.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" Kaylee asked me.

"My family dances a lot. It's our thing," I replied.

"You were great," Kaylee mentioned, smiling.

I moved a hand to Kaylee's hand and held it as I danced with her. She moved with me as we danced around the floor. I let go of her, twirled her, then brought her back to me. It had been a while since I danced with someone.

I looked at Kaylee as we danced. Then she stepped on my foot. We stopped.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at dancing," Kaylee mentioned, cringing.

"You need the right partner," I said. We started dancing again. "Follow my lead," I said, and she nodded. I led her across the dance floor, moving effortlessly.

Parker got our brothers' attention as they watched me dance with Kaylee. They looked at each other as Kaylee, and I kept dancing.

"Little brother doesn't know it yet, but I think he met his match," Payton mentioned.

"Is it bad that I like this chick more than the last one?" Parker asked, making Payton chuckled.

"Does that mean that we're playing matchmakers? Because we all know how we suck at that," Pax mentioned.

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