Chapter 3

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Last time:

"Anyway. Be here six thirty tomorrow morning. Anything more than 5 minutes late will result in a consequence. Make sure to get some rest and please return in something more business-Like. we have a lot to go over tomorrow" she spoke harshly standing up before brushing off her suit

Well. Let's see where this takes us


Jade P.O.V

The clock Struck 8 am as I entered RDD. Today was Friday one of my favourite days. but today so much more special. Why? you ask, well it's Perrie's first day.  Upon Entering the Lift  I was alone. The quiet atmosphere relaxed my body. But to my surprise, as I exit the box. Sam was quietly laughing and giggling down the phone as her eyes meet mine she whispers into the phone "Code red" unluckily for her, the intercom was switched on so her voice came ringing out down the halls. ignoring her I walk past her desk Heading down the hall to my office suddenly I see a small body sprinting into my office before shortly after a small Annie leaving my office heading in the direction of lily.

I entered my office, Perrie was sitting at her desk which was in the corner of the room facing the large window.

"Urm did I just see you run in here" I question sternly confused on who just ran in here, She shakes her head returning to the computer in front of her. I shrug walking toward my desk and placing my bag on the floor.

The sound of my door opening catches my attention. Turning to the door I see a very stressed-out Lily standing there. Her hand supporting her weight on the door frame

"It's about time Jade. For goodness sake, you can't tell your child to arrive at 6:30 and you not show up until 8. Your secretary is kinda a lifesaver when It came to Annie but she is mainly a Child! She and Annie have been running up and down the halls, playing knock-down ginger on my door and Prank calling my office for the past hour."

My gaze suddenly changed towards Perrie. she is sitting there head down looking guilty as hell. God if she was mine right now she wouldn't be having a fun time sitting for a week. The look of fear spreads through her whole body. Her eyes meet my gaze but quickly fall to the ground

"Per-" my voice is cut short

"I'm sorry Ms Thirlwall it was my fault. I was bored and Mistress told me to go and make friends or do something out of her office so she could concentrate then I kinda found Perrie in here alone so I sort of told her everything...... about you know everything and that I need a friend to play with and well then yeah. one thing led to another and bang." Annies's voice overthrew mine. I looked over to her she was shaking she knew she was in deep trouble.

"Leave, Perrie and I need to discuss some things privately. I expect Annie to be thoroughly punished by the time this day is over!" My voice was full of authority as anger and disappointment shook through me

As they left my Gaze shifted to Perrie. I pulled up a chair and sat in front of the small girl

"So, you know everything. Including the part about my personal assistants becoming my Pet and My Sub? The whole part where there is a 6-month contract involved. That you will be owned by me and you aren't afraid of this"

Perrie's eye contact broke she stared out the window before nodding. She was in deep thought

"Truthfully, To begin with, I was terrified. I didn't get why but secretly I kinda hoped to have a relationship with you but I didn't really know what kind. but Like last night I couldn't stop thinking about you. Something about your dominant Demeanour intrigues me. I've known I was gay from a young age. But when Annie fell into her..... Headspace I think that's what you call it and told me practically everything I just became the person she needed me to be which well you know included playing with her."

What she said replayed in my mind. 

"So you lied to me?" I question raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest. confusion crossed her face as she shook her head

"Oh so it wasn't you that I saw running into my office earlier? would you like to lie to me again?" she bit her lip and smirked before shaking her head.

"Anyway as I said yesterday we have a lot to talk about but seeing as Annie has told you most of it and I didn't bring the contract as I wasn't expecting to be telling you this yet but ill continue with the rest. You will always be by my side. that includes any business trips, conference calls, meetings Or events I have to attend to. You don't have to live with me yet but by the 2-month mark, you will be hopefully living with me. you will complete all the paperwork or tasks I have assigned to you by the end of the week. There is a mini fridge in the corner you can bring your own food in or I can bring it in for you. Our contract will last 6 months and then I will discuss with you if I am going to renew it or not And of course you will need to sign a paper in the contract saying you will not discuss anything that goes on between us or Lily and Annie" I spoke sternly.

Perrie just sat there and stared out the window softly nodding in the understanding of what I had said. I gently grabbed the bottom of her jaw directing her head and eyes to mine.

"You don't have to go through with this. I'm not about to force you into this. I understand if this is to much as I mentioned earlier I normally wait at least a week before telling my new hire about my lifestyle but as you saw Annie can't keep her mouth shut."

The small girl removed her jaw from my grip shaking her head rapidly

"No no its okay, honestly I'm scared to think about you using me in that way but at the same time my life's a mess I need that structure. that place to stay. That person to love me and care for me. Look miss I'm currently living on the sofa of my best friend's flat. I'm willing to give this a shot as you said yesterday I need a job and structure and you need a secretary. Miss, I need you"

Her words shocked me

"Very well Friday will be our more relaxed day as Annie kind of bottles up the little side of her and well she gets very excitable. Well, I need to quickly scan these cases through. you can do a little research on BDSM and what it means to be my sub" I spoke clearly and softly before standing up and going over to my computer.

The room was silent the faint buzzing of her computer could be heard until she started whispering to herself. at first, I couldn't hear what she said but I started to pick up words

Its as if she knew my deepest secrets the way she looks at me and in her stern voice..... omg her stern voice it sends shivers down my spine yet I love it. Of all the people into BDSM.. I'm so fucking lucky and I mean come on she is hot as hell. Like, let me just sit on my knees next to her desk waiting for her next instruction.

Her thoughts were spoken out loud. i growl slightly at the submission she emits. her head immediately turns towards me her cheeks flushed with red as she looks down embarrassed

"Di- Did I just say that out loud" Smirking I nodded.

Fuck it, I Want that contract signed now.

"Do you have plans? tonight after work" I asked, she shook her head

"Good well you're coming home with me" the smirk never left my face

Wait a minute. she lied to me Again she said she was scared of me using her but in reality, she knew all about BDSM

"That is the second time you have lied to me this morning... You mentioned that you were 'Terrified' But really you knew all about Bdsm" Perrie turned white. Fear radiated of her body I stood up slowly walked around my desk clutching onto the side of the table

"I swear to god, the next time you lie to me I will in no way hesitate to put you over my lap. Is that understood" She nodded I sighed

"I said. Am I Understood"

"Yes Ma'am, I'm sorry ma'am"

Words: 1492

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