Chapter 2.

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Last time.

The door violently flew open. In walked the most beautiful young woman id ever seen. Her hair cascaded gently down her shoulders, Each strand like a separate, shining ray of the sun. It glistened, shining like gold. Her eyes, there were like the clear blue sky on a summer's day. They were a bright colour of blue they shone and sparkled. She was moderately tall and extremely slim. Her smile was like no other, she had perfect, and soft pink lips and wherever she was she brightened the world with her smile, a little dimple formed on her left cheek her teeth were like stars and shone.

I want her!

Perrie's P.o.v

Opening my Laptop, I search through different job sites begging for a new job to of been posted. Suddenly the icon at the top of my page turns red indicating a new post had been placed up within the last few hours. Clicking on the icon a page opens I scanned the paragraph before me.

Needed: New personal assistant, Monday - Friday from 6:30 am until 7 pm
Company: RDD
You will be working around Ms Jade Thirlwall so must stay focused and Mature.
Interviews will open at 12pm Today. Please bring your resume
Have a good day.


I look over at the Clock

12:46 pm


I grab my resume and sprint down the stairs of the building. Let's say that was a shit idea seeing as we are on the 7th floor. Hailing down a taxi at this busy hour on a Friday afternoon was an absolute nightmare, But I eventually got one of the Black bullets to stop. Telling the sweet girl the address we flew down the road. She parked the car not even 5 minutes after.
For goodness sake, I could have just walked

The Building in front of me was Huge. The thick smell of Roses Filled my nose. A grande Waterfall Laid happily in the centre of the room. The loud splashing of thick drops of water consumed everyone's ears. I walked towards a desk.

"Urm im here for the interview for Ms Thirlwall?" I say quietly the small boy points towards the golden elevator

"33rd Floor. Speak to Sam"

I nod, rapidly heading towards the open doors of the escalator. i step in pressing the large number 33 in the metal box.

The doors swiftly close consuming my body inside.

"Doors Closing. Lift Going Up"

Nerves quickly overcome my body.

Am I about to meet the owner of the biggest detective company? Idk but the thought scared the shit out of me.

"Floor 33. Door Opening"

Shit. That was quick I stumbled forward the doors of the metal box close behind me. i look around a single small marble desk stood proudly in the centre. A Middle aged woman stood behind it.

"Are you sam?" my voice was quite

She looked up. Her eyes were the colour of the sky on a beautiful day

"Yes, that is me, how may I help you?"

i step closer to the desk. Clutching my resume in my left hand.

"Urm. I'm here for the. Uh, Personal assistant interview." I half-whisper.

" Ahh yes, Name? And Ms Thirlwall is busy right now so I'm gonna have to get you to wait in there until she's ready. " Sam spoke proudly pointing towards an Oak brown door

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