losing grip

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I tried, I really did try but Charlie just doesn't care. After our last fight I stumbled into the woods. The thunder clapped as the lightning struck the trees. I went further into the woods and sat on a long by a small pond. Charlie tried calling me but I didn't bother answering.

"Are you aware of what you made me feel 'baby'?" I sung a little. Right now I feel invisible to Charlie like he doesn't see me or my feelings. It used to not be this way. We used to cuddle each other and spend all day together and it just broke my heart that he thinks that it's ok to hurt me.

I put my arms around him this morning and he just shrugged me off. I felt so upset, that I went outside and bawled my eyes out. I went back inside the house and pretended like nothing was wrong so I just had a blank stare and grin on my face. As I was thinking about it, I picked up a flower and started randomly picking petals off it.

"I don't even care anymore!" I said. "I don't care about Charlie or our stupid unloving relationship anymore!"

Just when I thought the thunder was clearing up, a big lightning bolt struck the pond I was sitting by. I immediately jumped up and ran away. The rain poured down on me and my hair and clothes were soaked but I just kept running. I eventually saw a car pull up and I could tell that it was Charlie's.

I turned back around and ran just as Charlie opened his car door. I was so sick of hanging on to something that I was losing grip too. Even if I did cave in, Charlie still wouldn't listen. My foot slid, but fortunately I didn't fall down or get hurt.

"Yn I'm sorry I hurt you!" Charlie yelled trying to chase after me. "I'm sorry too Charlie, for letting myself get hurt too many times. You obviously don't care, so I guess I don't either!"

The rain finally cleared up and the sun tried to come out. Charlie grabbed me and kissed me. But I didn't kiss back. I was ready to move on especially from all of this! Charlie looked down as I walked away. "Goodbye Charlie".

I left Charlie there to cry this time.

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