guarded heart

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I've always been apprehensive about loving someone.  With My last relationship, I kept having to watch my back with Chad. He would always lie to me and I would believe him until I found out the truth. When I finally broke up with Chad, I felt broken. I had trust issues and I felt like nothing was real anymore.

I promised myself that I would love again. I worked as a barista for the local coffee shop ☕.  A guy came in, he had a scar on his eyebrow and hazel eyes. He was surrounded by paparazzi and and his publicist. He seemed kinda annoyed but he walked up to the register waiting to order. "I'll take one vanilla ice coffee please" he said.

I typed it into our register. "Is that all for you today sir?" 

"Yeah, that's it thank you" he said. I smiled and nodded. I made his ice coffee and then I gave it to him with a straw. "Thanks" he said. He sat down at a table. I continued working. It was time for my lunch break, so I walked to the back and took off my apron.

I got a notification on my phone so I sat down at one of the tables and checked it. When I did, I noticed the guy with the scar on his eyebrow come over to me.

" I noticed there is a spider on your shoulder" he said. I wanted to freak out, but then he took a napkin and killed it. "Thanks" I said with gratitude.

He nodded. "What's your name by the way?, You look familiar"


"Oh, ok I'm Charlie".

We talked for a while until we exchanged numbers. "I have to go now, but I'll call you later" he said.

"Ok bye" I said. He was a really down to earth guy. I really liked him. I went to a nearby Wendy's and ate my lunch there. It really was a coincidence when I saw Charlie walk in.

He saw me and smiled. He ordered his food and I ushered him to sit down next to me. He did and we talked for what felt like hours. Pretty soon he had a leave but he promised to call me.

So the day went by pretty quick, and pretty soon I was driving home. It was 11:00 when Charlie called me. "Hey yn I told you I would call you" he said chuckling.

I laughed. "This is my free time now and so uh whatcha doin?" Said Charlie. "Oh nothing much just watching Bob's burgers" you said.

Charlie and I started talking and then he asked me out. I said yes. The next day me and Charlie had a coffee date and then we went to the mall.

I really liked Charlie and I could tell that he really liked me. He bought me a necklace. Long story short after a couple outings, me and Charlie became an item.

"I asked my manager and she said that it was alright for us to be together." He said. "But we have to keep it under the wraps so the fans don't start crying over it or whatever. Pretty soon I'll introduce you to them. Maybe as an escort for a event or something".

I smiled. It felt like heaven had found me in Charlie. I was still a little apprehensive because ever since my last relationship, I felt very insecure and like Charlie would abandon me too. But he didn't.

Charlie had wrote a song or two about me and besides your insecurities, everything was perfect. Charlie previewed a song to me and he named it 'as you are'.

At first when interviewers asked Charlie about me or if he was in a relationship, he would never confirm it. But after the music awards, he finally introduced me as his girlfriend! He took me as an escort. "We've been dating for 3 months now" said Charlie.

They asked me about myself and I told them 10 facts about me. I knew it was gonna be hard working at my job because news was at that me and Charlie were dating. This was a rare occasion were Charlie or any celebrity for that matter was allowed to date a regular everyday person.

Me and Charlie's picture of us together and sitting next to each other at the music awards was all over the web. Some of the fans didn't take the news to well, but me and Charlie ignored them.

"If they can't accept me being happy, then they aren't real fans" he said. I agreed. I had to make my Instagram private. Only Charlie and a couple other people knew what I posted.

Pretty soon I made it public. Chad tried to get back together with me, but I had no interest in him. For once I actually felt happy. Charlie took me to the Grammys too!

He gushed in a interview that he had a very lovely date and that I was gorgeous. I blushed. For the first time in a long time, everything felt good.

(Because Charlie ofc!):

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