Chapter 4

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Dani watched as Zammi folded her hands in her lap, looking around. "The story that I think is most important to tell today, is the story of the Fifth Sun."

"The creation story?" Señora asked, and Zammi nodded.

"The gods," Zammi began. "Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca, Chalchiuhtlicue and Quetzalcoatl had all been the sun, at some point or any other, and each time, the humans they created disappointed them. Finally, Quetzalcoatl and his twin Xolotl stole bones from the underworld, and with their blood, create satisfying humans. However, no god wanted to be the sun again.

"The gods decree that this fifth, and maybe last, sun must be created with a willing sacrifice throwing themselves onto a pyre. Two gods were eventually chosen, Tecciztecatl and Nanahuatzin. The first is chosen to be sun because he is rich and strong, the second to be the moon because he is poor and ill.

"So, the other gods prepared a bonfire while Tecciztecatl and Nanahuatzin undergo purification. Tecciztecatl gives gifts of money and gems, while poor Nanahuatzin gave his blood and preformed acts of penance.

"Once this bonfire has burned for four days, the two sacrifices are called to throw themselves into the flames. To become the sun, the gods call upon Tecciztecatl to jump from into the bonfire. But, Tecciztecatl can't do it; he is too afraid. So, the gods ask Nanahuatzin to jump. Without a moment to spare, Nanahuatzin jumps into the flames. Embarrassed by being upstaged by Nanahuatzin, Tecciztecatl throws himself into the fire.

"But now there are two suns, because Tecciztecatl believes he is sun. So, one god throws a rabbit at his face, and it makes him the moon. Yet, the sun still won't move. Inspired by the sacrifice of humble Nanahuatzin, the rest of the gods allowed Quetzalcoatl to kill them so that the sun would move across the sky. And that is why we have the sun." Zammi finished, standing up, and giving a little bow.

"Thank you Zammi." Señora clapped, and everyone followed suit.

"Thank you Doña." They all said. Dani watched as the women walked to Dra, tapped her on the shoulder.

"We will see you later, then." Zammi nodded -was she looking right at Dani?- and left.

Dani couldn't sleep that night. His mind was too preoccupied with what he'd heard earlier. He knew it wasn't true, but it still intrigued him.

He got out of bed, and grabbed a glass of water from the bathroom. Filling the plastic cup, he looked in the mirror.

At Dra, who stood behind him, her eyes glowing slits. Dani dropped the cup, and opened his mouth to yell, but Dra, who was a good four inches shorter than him, reached up and covered his mouth, and Dani collapsed.


"Dra, what did you do?" A voice snapped. Dani blinked his eyes, slowly, and looked around to see where he was. "This isn't good."

Dani was lying flat on his back, blind in the dark that he was surrounded by. It felt suffocating, only for how dense it was. He almost closed his eyes again, but didn't when he heard the next sentence out of Dra's mouth.

"Zaza, he's a Silver Mage. I can smell it. He's undiscovered, but he's one of us." Dra's voice was pleading with... Zammi.

"What the hell is going on?" Dani slurred, feeling sleepy and uncoordinated. "Where am I? Doña?"

"Damnit, Dra, he's awake." Zammi hissed. "Why did you make me do this?"

"What? Do what? What are you talking about?" Fear jolted Dani awake fast, his eyes trying to adjust to the lightless room.

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