"Well that's what I want to find out. She's really lovely and also extremely gorgeous and smart. Plus Jaekuk already adores her," I shrug, not getting what her point is.

"The Jaekuks' heart is going to shatter if you let him get too close to her and then she leaves."

"I'm being careful," I tell her. I'm not stupid, I wouldn't let my son get so attached to someone that's only temporary. I'm sure Jae only likes her a lot right now is because every time he's seen her, she's given him banana milk.

"Does she know about your background? About Jaekuk's mum?" She crosses her arms and raises her brows. "Bloody hell Misun we just met!" "I know but I'm just making sure."

"What's the point in this conversation exactly?" I ask, avoiding her questions.

"I'm just being cautious Kook, she might not be who you think she is, she'll leave you just like she did," she shrugs and begins to walk away but quickly turns around.

"Oh and the landlord came over today, he's giving you until next Friday to pay the rent if not he's gonna kick you out," she says, sarcastically smiling before walking off and storming out of the apartment, slamming the door shut.


I run my hands through my hair, confused and frustrated.

What is her problem? Why does she care so much about my life and my actions?! I'm a grown man!

Suddenly I start hearing Jaekuk's cries from the living room and immediately run to him. But I stop in my tracks when I see y/n looking after him.

A natural mother.

By the looks of things, he'd spilt his banana milk down his clothes and y/n was wiping it with a tissue and gently wiping away his tears with her thumb.

   - Y/N POV -

"Shhhh baby, it's okay, don't cry," I coo at him. "B-but it got on t-the chair. Daddy's going to get mad at me," he cries. "No he won't it was just an accident okay? It happens. Plus it'll come out, don't worry."

"What happened?" Jungkook suddenly asks, walking towards us. "I think the loud slam of the door made him jump and so he accidentally spilt his milk everywhere," you explain, looking up at Jungkook. It looked like he was about to cry.

Was he actually mad? Hardly any of it went on the sofa.

"Hey, are you okay?" You ask him, and his brown eyes soften when he makes eye contact with you. "Yeah yeah, everything's fine, Misun just- nevermind." "Okay," you nod and continue to clean Jaekuk up.

"Daddy I'm hungry, can we have dinner now?" Jaekuk pouts. "Oh yes, of course. I was going to make you something y/n, do you dislike anything? Or have any requests?" He asks.

"I like pretty much everything so surprise me," I smile and he smiles back which awakens the butterflies in my stomach. He walks away back towards the kitchen.


I pick Jaekuk up off the bathroom counter and smile at him. "There, all clean, you just slightly smell of bananas," I chuckle and Jaekuk smiles widely at me. He had a cute, little, bunny smile, like his dads. He actually looked a lot like Jungkook it was scary.

About twenty minutes later I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. I pick up Jaekuk, who is almost asleep and nuzzles his face in my shoulder and little arms around my neck, and walk to the kitchen.

"Wow, this smells amazing Jungkook," I tell him, surprised at how good of a cook he turned out to be. "Well I have had a couple years of practice," he shrugs as he continues to make the dinner.

"I've made spaghetti, I hope you like that. It's Jae's and my favourite," he says nervously. "Well that's good because it's actually my favourite too," I smile. Jungkook finally looks up at me, a light blush seen on his cheeks.

"Awh look at him, he looks so warn out," Jungkook whispers, trying not to wake him up. "Should I put him to bed, I'd hate to disturb him," I ask. "If you wouldn't mind. I'll just save him some food and if he wakes up he can have it later. His room is just around the corner, first door on the left," he says and you nod, taking him to his room.

I tuck him into bed and place a light kiss on his forehead before heading back to Jungkook who was serving dinner on the table.

Jungkook and I enjoy the food together and it was definitely the best spaghetti I've ever tasted. It was lovely since I got to know him even more and vice versa.

Despite trying to hide it, I was extremely nervous. My heart was beating fast and I was bouncing my leg up and down under the table. I think Jungkook could tell I was nervous and offered me a glass of wine which I accepted, knowing it would help calm me down and him as well. He was slowly opening up to me more as the night went on.

"So Jungkook, I don't think I've asked what you do for a living, the suit uniform doesn't give a lot away," I ask as I twirl the pasta around my fork.

"I'm doing an apprenticeship at a big company in hope to work my way up to be the CEO," he tells me. 

"Oh wow that's amazing. Do you enjoy it?"

"I do but it's just hard. With it being just Jae and I, I have to work full time and by the end of the week I'm exhausted. I've managed to get Misun to help and babysit but other than that I don't have anyone else close by."

"How long has it just been the two of you? Were things always this hard?"

"It's always just been the two of us but I think as time has gone on, it's become slightly easier. I had to basically be a full time dad until he was old enough to attend school so being able to work meant I was able to afford to treat him and let him have a proper childhood. I just feel like I'm not doing good enough. I'm failing Jae as a father."

"What!? Jungkook that's absurd! How can you think that?"

"Jae is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't regret having him but being a dad so young wasn't something I planned, let alone a single dad. I never went to college or got any worthy qualifications for a better job, I barely spend any time with him because I have to work, I can't even afford my rent for this month," he sighs.

"You don't have to go through things alone anymore Jungkook, if there's a way for me to help, I will. You should be so proud of yourself, being a parent is one of the hardest jobs people have to do. Jae has turned out wonderfully and it's all thanks to you," I tell him honestly.

Later, Jungkook and I decide to watch a movie before I went home. Jae had woken up about half an hour ago to have dinner and we both sat and helped him eat, wiping his chin once he'd finished to remove the bolognese sauce. Afterwards, Jae said that he was still hungry so Jungkook gave him a bowl of ice cream, which again got all over his face.

I am currently snuggled under the blanket as Jungkook wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him, so my head is resting on his chest. I feel safe and comfortable like this and don't ever want to have to move from this position.

We are watching a rom-com and we are both giggling throughout the film. But I kept noticing Jungkook staring at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking at him and making direct eye contact. "No, everything's perfect," he said. I notice how he slowly starts to get closer, his eyes focused on my lips, but I just let it happen. His lips softly pressed against mine, but before I can respond he quickly pulls away.

"Sorry-" he begins but before he can finish, I cup his face and pull his lips back onto mine. He responds immediately, kissing me back with so much passion but were soon interrupted by a small, raspy voice.

"Daddy!? What are you doing?"

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