chapter 1

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"Karen did you see that?" Peter yelled energetically to his ai, swinging through the city. "His face! And the note I left! Gosh who knew bike theft would be so common." He smiled big through his mask as Karen assured him that his work was as funny as he remembered it. "Yes Peter, but i have to interrupt to say that there is a case of arson on 11th"

"Woah arson? Hey karen can you get Ned on the phone?" He said in his lighthearted tone swinging towards the smoke. Oh no this is bad

"Peter! Did you hear about this arsonist? A whole apartment building is catching fire!" Ned said sitting into his chair and spinning it around to face the computer.

"On my way right now. I need my guy in the chair" Peter said nervously, He had dealt with larger things before like Germany, but he wasn't alone, and he wasn't facing a 5 story building threatening to crumble to ash with people inside.

"Got it" Peter could hear Ned typing and he knew his best friend would give him as much information that he could possibly hack into.

"Grey hoodie started the fire, looks to be in his mid 20's, but he's fleeing the scene. People are shuffling out but the fire is only getting bigger Peter."

Okay so I need to focus on getting the people out Peter set up a game plan in his head. As he stood on the roof of a building across from the apartment complex he caught his breath and started swinging closer to the fire. "Karen, scan for heat signatures. Oh no that was stupid, um scan for any people" Peter fumbled over his words nervously, already feeling bad for what he said.

"Peter I suggest steadying your breathing, your heart rate is rising rapidly.

No duh I'm about to go into a burning building he thought "Karen. Scan for People" He said again as sternly as he could, not wanting to waste any time, because that could be a life on him. He thought back to Tony yelling at him after the ferry accident and he finally understood what he meant.

"Everyone seems to have evacuated except a small family on the 4th floor. All exits are blocked." She responded. Alright spider-man, you can do this. You can do this. He repeated to himself as he got enough momentum on a web to bust open a window. He felt stupid having to count the windows going up to be sure it was the fourth, but hey, they dont label floor numbers from the outside. Peter you're stalling.

He jumped in through the window, breaking the glass, only leaving a very small cut on him that he didn't notice in the moment. "Peter are you okay?" He heard Neds voice come through, forgetting he was on the phone.

"Yes, I'm going to hang up, call the fire department, let them know not everyone is out" Peter said running through thick smoke that he could feel seep into the mask of his suit and put a tickle in his throat.

"Karen?" He implied

"Two people, the room to your left" He ran into the room, ignoring the sound of his suit singing against the hot door handle. He immediately saw a mother holding a pillow case cover over her young child's face trying to keep him from inhaling the thick cover of smoke.

Think fast Peter think fast he thought, grateful that it wasn't a large family, but still contemplating how he would get them out at the same time. "Grab on." He opened his arms allowing the young boy and willing mother to hold onto him.

He looked over to the boy "You can't let go okay? You need to hold on very tight" He said in a soft tone, trying to comfort the boy. He knew it wouldn't be an everyday experience for some of them to be holding onto someone who is jumping out of a window and holding them up with a web. He started running towards where he entered and yelled to the woman "Maam, it's going to be okay" in his most convincing tone, also trying to assure himself.

He made it out the window and shot a web holding them up from the hard concrete. He got them safely to the fire truck and before they could say anything he shot another web, going back towards the building.

"Peter, You've inhaled a lot of smoke and the building could fall any second" she said nervously, for a robot.

"Not now Karen" He ignored his burning eyes and shallow breathing and ran back into the building, not trusting her when she said everyone was out. He opened every door on the floor and yelled out for signs of people.

"Peter the building is going to collapse you need to get out" Karen said urgently.

Pieces of the roof started failing around him, and he heard the caving in of the 5th floor, the carpet underneath him started to sink and his super hearing caused him to excruciatingly hear every beam in the building snap. His breathing got heavier as he ran towards the window, pieces of burning wood were hitting his legs but he didnt care, he kept running until he reached the window and swung outside onto the top of a building away from the apartment complex and he watched the fire rise, and the place collapse on itself.

Everything started to get dark for Peter, it was all tunnel vision. He could hear all of the people who made it out running away from the falling building. He could hear their shoes hit the concrete, he could smell the fire, and the rubble. He was beginning to feel all the burns that ripped his suit and broke through layers of his skin. His breathing was quick and short, he felt trapped, like he did when toomes dropped the building on him. So there he layed, in the dark, on top of a roof, unable to move, reliving every second of his ribs being crushed, and not being able to breath

"Peter, you are experiencing an anxiety attack, as well as third degree burns and extreme smoke inhalation. Contacting Tony Stark"

"No!" Peter yells, still in a haze, he can barely think straight but he knows calling Mr. Stark wont do anything good. He hasn't heard from him since he turned down a spot on the avengers. Tony is probably mad at him, he didn't need him to deal with a teenager who can't even distinguish the difference between toomes trapping him under a building and patrol.

"Canceling call to Tony Stark" Peter breathed a sigh of relief and continued to catch his breath as he looked into the dark sky.

Hi guys! I have decided to start a new irondad and spiderson story, that moves a little bit slower than my first one (Got You Always Kid) This story will give more background and information on both Peter and Tony. I will still continue to update and write Got You Always Kid, I just wanted to start a new one to get all of my current ideas out.  I hope you enjoy!

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