Signs of Sociopath

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What is a sociopath?

“Sociopath” is an informal term that’s often used to refer to someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). ASPD is a personality disorder that involves a lack of empathy in addition to manipulative behaviors and impulsiveness in some people.

. Lack of empathy

One of the most notable symptoms of ASPD is a lack of empathy. In response to another person’s feelings, they may come across as:

overly critical

. Disregard for right and wrong

People with ASPD generally have no regard for boundaries, rules, or laws. Someone with ASPD may:

steal from others
break laws
be in constant legal trouble
be in an out of jail for minor to major crimes

. Wit and charm

In addition to their more negative behaviors, people with ASPD often come off as very charismatic and charming. They may use humor, flattery, intellect, or flirtation for personal gain. In other cases, they might use these techniques to get someone to do something that’s harmful to them.


People with ASPD tend to act without considering the consequences. They might regularly engage in life-threatening activities without considering their own safety or the safety of anyone else involved.


People with ASPD may act as if they’re above those around them. In addition to acting extra confident, they may also be condescending or easily irritated by others, especially those who disagree with them.


People with ASPD are often psychically or verbally abusive. They may physically harm people without any consideration of the resulting injuries to the other person.

Verbal abuse might include:

negative statements
public or private humiliation

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