•|Years + Later|•

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During the four years that you were stuck in America, half of that consisted of finishing high school and housework.

"You doing laundry today?" Your cousin asked in the most stuck up tone she could muster.

"Yeah, why?" You narrowed your eyes. She was definitely going to-

"Here are my clothes." The girl kicked her laundry basket out of her room. "Have fun with it."

You sighed, dragging it along with your own.

If you refused, your grandma would probably disown you.

You hated this whole main-family, sub-family dynamic. It meant nothing to you. That's why you wanted out so desperately.

This was your daily life.

You were always doing one of many things.




-Administering Grandma's meds

-Doing your younger cousin's hair and makeup




-Listening to them complain about you to your face.

None of these you minded. It gave you time away from the whole family... well, besides the last one.

The worst part? You didn't even have a phone.

As soon as you got to America, they stripped you of your privileges and valuables.

There was no way for you to get in touch with anyone—especially not Tenma.

Gradually, you grew sick and tired of their antics, and after becoming a legal adult, you moved out and worked hard at anything and everything.

You saved up for two years in order to send yourself—and all your things—back to Japan.

That's what brought you to where you were currently. In the Tokyo International Airport.

"Tenma-nii!" You waved as you ran straight into your brother's arms, dragging your luggage behind you.

"Here." The male let go of you and handed you a cell-phone. "Now you can talk to me from anywhere again."

Your eyes watered as you excitedly stared at the device. "Thank you!"

Even after moving out of your grandmother's household, you could only message your brother via email off of computer libraries.

You figured if you were going back to stay in Japan, you would just save up all of your money so that you could focus on leaving America.

"By the way, you said you have a job already?" Tenma asked. "That's fast, what is it?"

You smiled proudly. "Modeling!"

"Wow~!" He began walking away. You could tell that he wasn't very interested.

"W-Why'd you ask if you don't even wanna know?" You followed him out of the airport and into a cab.

Your brother gave the driver the address and you noticed it was a different place than the last time.

"Did you move?" You asked curiously.

"Of course I did." He chuckled lightly as if you were forgetting something. "If I knew that my little sister was going to be living with me, don't you think I would've at least gotten a two-bedroom apartment?"

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