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"Oh? Hi Kozume." You greeted the boy as you put on a jacket.

"I came to cheer up a friend." He informed you, handing Hinata a tablet. "I also came to lend this to you."

"That's sweet of you, Kozume." Rummaging through your bag, you pulled something out. "Here Hinata." You placed a mask over his ears. "Since you have a fever, your body's more susceptible to illness."

"Thanks Kenma!" The orange-haired boy stated as you picked up Hinata's bag.

Yachi ran in and stopped the two of you.

"Did you need something Hitoka?" You asked.

She was out of breath and wheezing. "I'll take Hinata." Yachi stood up straight and insisted. She already had her coat on.

"O-Okay." You chuckled, handing her the boy's bag. "I'll leave him in your hands then."

When the two of them left, you walked back to the court with Kozume. After splitting up, you rushed down and to your respective spot.

Upon your return, you witnessed Tsukishima pull a cramp. "Kei!" You shouted eagerly. Having two matches in one day was definitely hell. Before you could blink, the third set had ended.

Kamomedai won... and Karasuno had been defeated.

Your eyes teared up thinking this would be your last time working alongside the one-and-only third year manager.

On impulse you ran onto the court and hugged the older female.

"S-Shimizu!" You teared up.

She immediately returned your tearful hug with one of her own.

"Go on and win next year, okay?" All you could do was nod at her request.

As Karasuno was exiting the stadium to return to the hotel, your brother had interrupted the advancing of the group, pulling you aside.

He had a pained expression on his face.

"What is it Tenma-nii?" You asked curiously. It wasn't every day that you saw him this upset. 'Oh, right. He had something to tell me.'

"Grandma figured out that you're living alone in Miyagi." He stated, biting his lip. "She wants you back... in America."

You fearfully gripped at the clothing around his wrist. "N-No."

Tenma had to avert his gaze in order to prevent himself from feeling sorry for you.

"Can't I just come live with you?" You asked as tears welled up in your eyes. After several years in that household, you had finally managed to escape.

Now, after only one year of freedom, you were being sent back.

"You can't." He weakly stated. "They said I'm too unstable."

"What did you just say?" Tanaka had appeared from behind your brother. He was desperate to understand the situation.

You dropped to the floor in despair as your brother explained to Karasuno that you would be leaving back to America.

"When?" You asked from your position on the ground.

"At the end of this week." He abruptly stated. "You have to get all your stuff quickly."

As soon as he said that you ran in a particular direction. There was at least one other group of people you had to say bye to before you left.

"Ah! It's (Name)!" Haiba waved with a wide smile as soon as he spotted you.

"Is she... crying?" Yamamoto narrowed his eyes and quickly grew flustered. He didn't know how to deal with any girl when they cried.

"Um! Um! Um!" You were rushing with what you had to say but if you were going to say anything it was... "Thanks for letting me be your manager!"

Kuroo chuckled. "You act like you're the one leaving, baby girl."

You bit your lip. "I am, huh?"

"I'll come see everyone's games still!" He placed a hand on your head.

"Please do." You nodded. "I'll be looking forward to it!"

With that small exchange, you returned to the Karasuno members.

They did a quick group hug and cried with you.

Bystanders looked on curiously but none of you cared. This was a moment for Karasuno.

After hugging your brother tightly. You declared that you would return in a few years and that he would have to welcome you into his home.

By the time you returned to the hotel, you had calmed down.

"I need to make a call real quick." You stated as everyone else returned inside.

You clicked on a certain name and the phone began to ring.

"Hello?" It was Ushijima.

For some reason you felt obligated to tell him about you leaving—especially since you didn't spare him that courtesy many years ago.

You wanted to sound confident and strong but you ended up tearing up at the sound of his voice. "Toshi..."

It was obvious that he was a little thrown off.

"I'm being forced to return to America."

There was a long silence until he spoke up.

"I'll come see you tomorrow when you return." He informed you. "Make sure you're home."

"Okay." You nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "Okay."

With that, he hung up and another male made his way to your side.

"This sucks." Sugawara kicked at the pebbles on the floor. "I lost the tournament and you all in the same day."

You chuckled at this with a tearful smile. "I'm still here until the end of the week."

"But you won't be here for graduation." He obviously pouted.

"Congratulations on graduating in advance, Suga-senpai."

He opened his arms and kindly gave you a warm hug.

"You know, I do like you." He smiled. "Wanna marry me, and then you can stay?"

His words truly shocked you. Before you brought your face up to meet his, another person interrupted the moment.

"Hold on a second Sugawara-san."

You peeked around the gray-haired male and spotted Tsukishima.

As the two of them bickered, you took this chance to escape to the inn.

The only safe and quiet place was the solo room that Hinata was in, so that's where you ran to, but since you were here, you might as well care for him too.

You wiped his sweat with a dry towel. Then you wet another towel with cold water before wringing it out and placing it on his forehead.

He flinched at the sudden coldness.

"I hope you do great things in the future, Hinata." You stated before Coach Ukai brought in some porridge for the boy.

You helped him sit up as Coach Ukai set the food down, deciding to nurse him back to health since that would mean you could stay in the quiet room a little longer.

Just as you thought that, Sugawara, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka peeked their heads through the door.

"So this is where you went, (Name)!" Sugawara smiled widely at the sight of you. "Ready to marry me yet?"

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