I nodded as I took my backpack off of the floor and opened it up, taking out both my laptop and a folder that had the song inside. "Yeah, that's why I was sleeping just know. I was working on it all weekend and I didn't finish it until four in the morning."

       "Damn, that's impressive," Zion said. "Can I see it?"

       "No, Zion, you cannot see the song I wrote for you."

       "You really are a sarcastic guy, aren't you?"

       I just gave him a small smile as I handed him the folder before opening my laptop. "I'll play the song for you to read along with the lyrics. Then you can see if you like it or not, or of you think anything is missing. And please tell me your honest opinion. I want to be a songwriter who works with someone, not for someone."

       "I mean, I'll try my best to give you my opinion but I probably won't have anything to say about the lyrics," Zion said as I opened up the file on my laptop of the song. "Since I suck at writing music. Seriously. I suck. As my friends, and they'll tell you."

       "You don't have to know much about writing music to give me an opinion," I said. "Like, if there's a line you don't like, just tell me and I'll find one that does work for you."

       "Ah, got it," Zion said. "Alright, let's listen to the song."

       I played the song, and Zion followed along with the lyrics. He didn't sing it. He just silently followed it along, making sure he could stay on beat and to see if he liked the lyrics. I really hoped he did. Of course, I wouldn't be mad or anything if he didn't. It just meant I had to put the song aside, or rewrite it until Zion liked it.

       When the song ended, I asked, "So... What do you think?"

       "Uh, it's amazing," Zion said. "It's perfect. A song about knowing I'm going to make it and never giving up is not only a song I would love to sing about, but it's also a perfect jab towards Carrie."

       I smiled. "I'm glad you like it. Want to try singing it now?"

       "Of course," Zion said. "With a microphone? I really want to use a microphone."

       I got up from the couch and walked over to where the microphones are. I got one set up and had Zion test the feedback. Once he was okay with how it sounded, I plugged my laptop into a speaker so Zion would be able to hear it better.

       Before I played the song, I closed the door so the sound wouldn't be too loud for anyone who might be nearby. I sat on a stole close to where I kept my laptop and asked Zion if he was ready. He nodded, so I pressed play.

       Zion waited for his cue to come and once it did, he did not miss a single beat. And he really seemed to enjoy singing this song. Like he felt every word he was singing.

       I think I made the right choice quitting as Carrie's songwriter and asking Zion if he wanted me to be his.

       When the song ended, there was a sudden applause coming by the entrance of the room. I was so caught up in watching Zion, that I didn't even notice the door had opened and three people walked in.

       I did recognize the three of them as Zion's friends, so Zion was most likely fine that they chose to listen to the song.

       "Wow, that was amazing," Marjani said. "Very amazing. And obviously, you didn't write it, Zion."

       "Rude," Zion said. "True, but rude. Dane is actually my songwriter now. You guys know how trash my songs are, but I do love performing, thus the start of a beautiful partnership. One that is going to piss off Carrie."

       "But we totally didn't start the partnership to piss her off," I said.

       "I mean, it's kind of the reason," Zion said.

       "What? No, it's not."

       "I'm kidding. That's revenge for you being too sarcastic for me."

       "I'm sarcastic when I'm tired, and I'm tired because I was writing this song and you woke me up. This is all on you."

       "Yeah, that's fair." Zion looked over at his friends. "So what did you think?"

       "Well, like I said, it was amazing," Marjani said.

       "Yeah, it truly was," Divya said. "I think you two make a great partnership."

       Zion smiled at me. "Yeah, I think so too."

       "So, are you going to sing this at Hummingbird's next open mic night?" Miguel said. "Or are you going to sing it the next time Carrie is there? I'm not saying you should wait for Carrie to be there, but you should totally wait for Carrie to be there."

       "She'll be there next week," I said.

       Zion looked at me. "How do you know that?"

       "Uh, because I was her songwriter," I said. "Even though my only job was to write songs for her, I did keep up with her schedule and stuff. That way, if she needed a new song by a certain event, I would know when that was going to be and when I had to finish the song by."

       "So what you're saying is I should wait until next week to sing the song," Zion said.

       I shrugged. "Why not? Her calling you a one hit wonder was what sparked this song. Might as well sing it somewhere she's going to be to let you know that you're not a one hit wonder. I mean, hopefully. It's still going to be hard to make it in the industry, but at least you'll be trying."

       "And she'll get to know that you're my songwriter now," Zion said. "Not that I'm trying to start a war or anything. But I totally want to start a war."

       "Of course you do," I said.

       "Be careful with him," Divya said. "Zion likes starting arguments with people all the time 'just for fun'. Just like week, he started arguing with me about whether or not the milk goes before or after the cereal, even though we all know if goes after. He even knows it does. He just wanted to be a pest."

       "That's because I was bored," Zion said.

       "Clearly," Divya said.

       "Don't worry, I think I'll be able to handle him," I said. "After all, I have to suffer from working with him."

       "Come on, we know I'm your favourite coworker," Zion said.

       "You are, but you're insufferable with all the flooding," I said.

       "Which reminds me..." Zion began.

       "No," I said. "No more flooding."

       Zion sighed. "Fine. But only because you're telling me not to."


i love zion and dane's friendship so much ahahaha

also i really can't wait to write the next chapter because we get more of their friendship and it's gonna be fun.

anyway stand yuuki mishima in persona 5 thank you

Dane and ZionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin