Start from the beginning

Side effects.

"Well I definitely wasn't asking Wilson here" he chuckles lightly.

"You fucking wish you could take my thicc ass out" Noah winks at Oliver, clearly making him feel slightly uncomfortable and I smile lightly at the first signs of Noah getting comfortable around me.

"Oh um, yeah maybe. I don't know." I say slightly uninterested, looking him dead in the eye.

"Well when you decide, heres my number" he slides a piece of paper across the table and I look at it and nod, offering a small smile, watching him back away slowly and awkwardly.

Don't get me wrong, he wasn't bad looking but he wasn't exactly my type. I barely have a type but he didn't look like spongebob with the suds, nor does he have tattoos and he wears ralph lauren polo shirts with khaki trousers.

Definitely a fucking no from me.

And in all honesty, I felt like I wasn't even present for that conversation.

"You're not going to go are you?" Charlie asks with furrowed brows and a slightly fucked off facial expression.

"Do I look like I want to go party with Oliver whatever the fuck his last name is?" I question, raising a brow, looking directly at Charlie, trying to fight off the daze that the prescription pills have me under.

"Good, they don't have good intentions with you"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I glance around at the three boys. This is probably the quietest I've seen Noah.

"That you shouldn't go" Charlie states with a demanding tone.

One which I didn't like at all.

He of all people should know not to tell me that I can't or shouldn't do something.

"What because I'm not good enough for the rich football player?"

"You know thats not what I meant" Charlie says with a sigh.

"Oh so you don't think I'm preppy enough? Am I not preppy enough for mr I-wear-ralph-lauren-and-chinos?" I won't lie, I'm not actually mad, I'm just pulling his leg on the situation, it was entertaining to see that he clearly didn't understand that.

"You really shouldn't go, thats all"

"Right okay" I roll my eyes, finding amusement in the fact that he thinks I won't go now he's just told me not to.

"Listen they only want you for your body okay?" Charlie slams his arm on the table, no one jumps from the sudden noise apart from Alex but even Noah takes a sharp intake of air, already knowing that that was definitely the wrong thing to say to me.

"Are you shitting me? Are you actually being serious?" I wait for a reply, only to be met with his cold stare. "Do you honestly believe that I'm that unlikeable that the only reason he would invite me is for my body?"


"Wow okay" I grab my bag and storm out of the cafeteria. It may be over dramatic but I'm a stubborn bitch, I'll go to that party if its the last thing I do.

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