The next day Haruhi and I were comparing answers on the day's homework when Hikaru entered the classroom with bright pink hair.
'Cute huh?' He grinned flirtatiously. 'From now on I'm pink. I'm sick and tired of being mistaken for Kaoru.' Speak of the devil and he shall come.
The second twin arrived seconds later with blue hair. 'Good morning Haruhi. Seina.' We both nodded a greeting, both too stunned to speak. 'I finally had a good night's sleep, alone in my bed. However, I had a terrible nightmare that I had dyed my hair pink! Disgusting.'
Hikaru rose to the bait and kicked his brother's chair from under him, who responded in turn. Before long they were throwing things at each other like it was some kind of extreme sport. At one stage I thought I saw Honey-senpai being tossed about in the chaos.

Come lunchtime, Haruhi and I reluctantly followed them to the cafeteria hoping to avoid further conflict. I clutched my notebook to my chest, unwilling to place it on a potentially unclean surface.  Even in such a prestigious school the tables were flecked with bits of old food.
The twins approached the counter to order their food and to our enormous horror, ordered the same thing again and again. This initiated yet another fight about 'copying'. What was normally their super power was giving me a headache. Haruhi and I stood marvelling at the two as they fought.
Then the rest of the host club arrived. Relief flooded through me. Finally. Reinforcements. However, things didn't really work out that way. Honey-senpai attempted to intervene, announcing 'double punishment' and suggesting they share some cake and make up. Ultimately he failed and Mori-senpai had to rescue him. I barely noticed as the older boy deposited a sandwich into my hands and directed me to a table.
I hesitated by one as Kyoya-senpai sat down. Eventually he looked up at me.
'Seina-san What is the issue?' I looked away sheepishly.
'I didn't expect to be eating in here. I have no where to put my notebook.' He gave me a disbelieving look and a sigh before holding out his hand. I stared at him suspiciously.
'Give me your notebook.' I was about to argue when I felt my stomach beginning to grumble. Hesitantly I placed it in his hand and watched him tuck it into his blazer. I then sat down opposite him.
'Thank you Kyoya-senpai.' He nodded and delicately began his meal.
Nearby, Tamaki-senpai was gushing about Haruhi making him a bento which she swapped with Hikaru. One mouthful of the school dinner had her starry eyed, she loved fine foods. Kaoru cottoned onto this and attempted to feed her a mouthful from his fork. Hikaru, however, had other ideas and took the food himself. Kaoru retaliated by throwing a plate of food which hit Tamaki-senpai instead and the fight began.
Once again Honey-senpai was caught in the cross fire and had to be rescued. I looked at Kyoya-senpai who despite the surrounding chaos was still calmly eating his meal. It was reassuring to have one other sane person around, even as Haruhi retreated.
We were also leaving the cafeteria when a stray piece of furniture came flying in my direction. I blocked it easily, knocking it to one side. However, I lost my balance and stumbled back. Before I could even brace for the fall, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back upright. Breathless, I turned to see it was Kyoya-senpai who had caught me. He smirked down at me.
'Falling for me Seina-san?' My gratitude froze on my lips and I freed myself from his grasp.
'You wish.' I growled before turning and storming off.
Back in the host club, we were all sat around a table, exhausted by the twins and the havoc they had caused. As usual Kyoya-senpai was more concerned by profit margins than anything else and was passive aggressively blaming Haruhi for the state of things.
'Prick.' I muttered in his general direction.
Honey-senpai announced he was worried as he had known them the longest but never seen them fight. Tamaki-senpai mused that it might do them good. Haruhi then began fretting about whether or not they would know how to stop fighting and make up.
The fight continued on as they filled the host club, which was temporarily closed, with the sounds of their disagreement. Stuff had been thrown everywhere and the place was a mess. From there it escalated quickly, with them declaring their hatred of each other and Kaoru pulling out a Belzenef curse doll and threatening to add his brother's name to it. By this stage Haruhi had had enough and she jumped into action bringing a fist down on each of their heads and taking the doll.
'Enough! You don't bring something like this into a trivial fight. Both of you are at fault and worse you are causing trouble for everyone else. Make up now! If you two don't make up right now you will never be allowed to come to my home.'
For a split second, as they stared at her, wide eyed I thought she might have actually gotten through to them. But then their mouths slowly twitched into matching evil grins as they wrapped their arms around each other.
'So if we make up we can visit your home?' That was all it took for Haruhi to realise she'd been tricked, she turned over the doll only to reveal the word 'blank'. The twins had wasted no time jumping into a loving embrace as they shared a tearful apology, each trying to claim responsibility. It turned out they had simply been bored the entire time.

The next day, things were more or less back to normal though the twins still had dyed hair. As they went through the motions of their favourite game, the fans were clearly convinced they were about to win. One girl guessed Hikaru was pink and Kaoru was blue, which they claimed was correct until Haruhi interrupted and announced that they'd actually switched colours. They stared after her as she walked away, fingers tightly locked together. After so long, someone else had entered their little world. They glanced at me as if expecting an explanation but I simply shrugged at them. I had always been the only one who understood but I was a goddess floating somewhere high above them, I didn't count in the same way Haruhi did.
I decided to step back and allow them to figure it out for themselves. A notebook suddenly appeared in front of my face. My notebook. I scowled at Kyoya-senpai as I took my notebook back. He gave me a bemused look before turning away.
'It's an excellent essay.'
I flicked to the most recent thing in my notebook and found my homework assignment included a sticky note, bearing neat, precise handwriting that was not mine.
A well structured essay with a strong argument and impressive fluidity. I can't fault it.
Before I could say anything he was gone. I stared at in confusion. Was he trying to compliment me or patronise me, and why did he read it in the first place? I threw my hands up in frustration. Perhaps he was trying to drive me slowly insane. I smiled slightly. Maybe it was working.

Resisting Temptation (A Kyoya Ootori Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now