S02E05 - All Dead

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"We can't fight them." He said only staring at the weapon.

"Take the gun for yourself or pass it on to her." I said pointing to the woman I met in the kitchen.

I unzipped the next bag and gave the heavy shotgun to Derek, simply because a little hand gun is not for his size. He took it into his hand exited murmuring and nodding 'Ooh I've been waiting for you.' Suddenly memories of Ryan flashed through my mind. With a little smile on my face I stood up with the Katana hanging from the end of my arm. The crew around me didn't look the same as before, they looked as if they were true survivors of the end of the world.

"We will not die today." I said over the noise of walkers growling to get inside and tear us apart. "We survived this far, and now we have each other to look after. These assholes stand no f..."


I couldn't remember what happened. With my muted ears and a strong pain pounding my head, I tried to give weight to my body. I was on the floor, unable to move or get up. I raised my head by rushing the smallest amount of life I had to my neck. The front door along with the brown wooden walls were shattered into pieces. Guts and body parts which were split off to bits were scattered on the floor and made a red canvas. Good amount of sunlight came through the huge opening and bleached the house. Suddenly the light was blocked by a dark shadow of a person. But by the way it moved, I realized soon enough that it was a walker. It was coming for me. It took its small steps on the messed up floor carelessly. I wanted to back off but my body was on the way. At once it was pushed forward and dropped down as if it were shot with a heavy weapon.

Bit by bit I started to get my hearing back. The sound of a machine gun continuously firing along with people shouting and commanding in a loud voice provoked my curiosity. I kept staring at the bright outside, hoping and waiting till my eyes adjust. Through the massive opening I saw a black truck with a fixed machine gun on top of it parked in the garden and armed black uniformed men closing inside.

'What the hell?' words slipped through my mouth as I tried to figure out what the situation was. Was it military? No it couldn't be, their uniforms differed. Whomever they were, I couldn't trust them, not until I know what their intentions were. In the corner of my eyes, I saw a body lying on the floor starting to move. I focused and tried my best to identify which one of it was from my crew. It seemed something exploded outside the walls of the house, probably a hand grenade or a RPG, used by the intruders to blast off the walkers. The wall shattered and we suffered its cause.

Black uniformed men closed in holding their weapons at sight. They moved so carefully making me feel as if all it took was a slight move to have a rain of bullets landed on. Whomever they were, they couldn't know that we were inside. They might be expecting survivors or something human but it didn't look like they were certain of it.


As I heard Derek's weak voice the half dozen of men aimed their weapons at him in lightning speed.

"Help..." He said again.

"That's not a thing." One of the intruders said.

"No-they don't talk." Another replied.

"Help me..." Derek said again in his deep voice.

"Holy shit!" They froze as the man closest yelled. "He got no legs!"

Hearing that made my heart pound.

"Please..." Derek's voice has gotten weaker.

"Take him out."

As per the orders came from behind, the man closest to the only man I trusted fired his weapon without blinking. I held my emotions with a tight fist listening to him chocking on the last breath he had.

"Freeze!" One of them yelled aiming to the inside of the house as the rest of them followed him. "What do we have here?"

"Please don't shoot us!" Jane's worried voice reached my ears.

"What a nice couple." Said another.

"We'll give you anything buddy! Just let us go!" Enrick took the sound of his wife.

"What can you give us old man?" The first one continued his tone.

"I... I can give you information! Information about people-a group! They have lots and lots of stuff there bud!"

"What the camp there by the river?"

"You... You know about them?"

"Knew, they're dead.


"We had to stabilize them."


"Are there any other people in the house?"

"Yes! In that room there's a girl and a boy!" Jane yelled.

"Appreciate the help." He said as he aimed the weapon carelessly and squeezed the trigger on Christine's parents. "Let's quickly take out the other two as well, I hate the smell of blood and that's all this shithole has."

Hearing them moving into the room Ryan and Beth were, I lied there staring at the pitch black truck parked outside, barely conscious.

I'm sorry for the time I took to update the novel. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Comment and vote if you liked this part *fist bump*

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