Chapter 9

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"Do you remember when you said you wish everything that happened in your coma was real?" Justin asked me as his rubbed my stomach.

"No?" I said running my hands through his bleached hair. Justin was going to get his hair done today and since his normal hair stylist isn't in town this week, we tried someone new. The woman who did it happened to be a Justin hater though and bleached it even though he asked for it to be darker. He's really upset about it and hasn't wanted to leave the house all day. We have spend the whole day cuddling on our bed while we watch re-runs of The Inbetweeners.

"You said that you wish everything that happened in your coma was really because you wanted to be in love again." Justin said putting his arm around my back and using my stomach as a pillow. I sighed and started to say something but Justin wasn't finished talking. "Are you still in love with me?"

"Of course I am." I told him with a pause. "I fall more and more in love with you everyday. I was overwhelmed, don't take what I said seriously."

"I have. I think about that everyday, trying to figure out how to make you fall in love with me again." His voice was croaky and I could tell he was getting upset with his thoughts, He has had such a hard day today and his mind is taking over him. I pushed him off my stomach and made him sit up to face me.

"Justin, if you want me to fall in love with you again, keep doing what you're doing and what you have been doing these past years. It has worked since day one." I stated to him and I was truthful about it. I felt like Justin and I were finally in a good spot, deciding to put Selena behind us and try and forgot about my medical scare and focus on ourselves and our future.

"You mean that? Even with my white hair?" Justin said pulling my legs over his.

"I never have and never will lie to you, even with no hair." I admitted with a smile and Justin let out that cute little smirk that I have been waiting to see all day. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. Justin moved his hands to my thighs and kissed me back hard. I pulled away and laughed.

"Are your legs always this warm?" He asked me.

"They're not warm." I told him. Justin grabbed my hand and placed it on my thigh, which was burning hot. I felt the other one that was freezing cold. I scratched my head and sighed, "That's really weird."

"Yeah, a little but anyways," Justin said letting his head fall back onto a pillow "You ready for tomorrow?" He asked referring to me going to the school district office to talk about how I can catch up. First semester is over and I can go back to school now that my surgery is over and the doctor gave me the okay to go back.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I'm hoping for the best."

"Me too princess." Justin said taking his shirt off and setting it down next to the bed. I smiled at Justin and bite my lip just as I heard my phone ringing next to me. I looked down to it and picked it up.

Call From: Lynne MFYB

I smiled, just like I did every time she called me. "Hello." I answered as I got up off the bed to go down to the kitchen.

"Kyla, do you have any idea where Christian is?" She questioned me sound panicked. I had to think back to when I last saw him and I couldn't remember. It also reminded me that it feels like years since I have hung out with Lynne, which isn't like us.

"No, Lynne. I'm sorry, can you not find him?" I answered.

"No, this isn't good. We just got into a stupid fight last night and its my fault but I'm worried because I haven't heard from and he said he was going to see Justin."

Awaken.(A Justin Bieber Fan Fiction ft,Christian Beadles&Reed Deming)Where stories live. Discover now