Chapter 5

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"No way! How could you do this to me?" Justin said with a flirty smile. I smiled back.

"I've always hated the Seahawks, Justin!"

"Well they won, so get over it!" Justin said sticking his tongue out at me.

"I don't care what they win! I don't like them!" I said laughing as I put silver wear into out silver wear drawer. Justin has been taking me shopping, to the movies and out to eat ever since my appointment a week ago. Earlier Justin decided it was time to move things into our place. I wasn't necessarily ready to move into my own house with my boyfriend because I always pictured it different then this but it is what it is. Justin's happiness has been all that mattered to me ever since my appointment. I still find him teary eyed every so often but I've gotten him to a better spot then last time. I felt Justin's hands slip around my waist.

"I have to show you something." Justin said into my ear. I smiled and turned around to Justin. I put my arms around his neck .

"Okay, where at?"

Justin grabbed my hand and lead me over to his home studio and sat me down in the spinning chair that was in front of all the buttons that I didn't know how to use. "I wrote it a while ago but I couldn't show it to you." Justin pressed a few buttons and an upbeat melody came on. Jaden Smith came in first, singing to the melody.

"Its the start of a new year babe, babe yeah,-" Justin started singing. I caught Justin smiling when he came into the song. "I'm gonna make your cheeks red, girl Im never leaving cause you are the best. Give, I wanna give you everything,-" Justin started laughing and I laughed with him. "5,4,3,2, 1. Kiss me, kiss me. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, kiss me, kiss me." Justin stopped the music and a slight blush came onto his cheeks. "Yeah, I made it a while ago." Justin said sounding embarrassed. Justin usually isn't embarrassed about his music so I didn't know what it was. I gave Justin a kiss on his lips and hugged him after.

"It was great, just like all your other songs." I said to him, Justin breathed in and out heavily.

"I have to go play for a club tonight." Justin said.

"Okay." I didn't know why Justin was telling me this, he goes and plays places all the time.

"And, I don't want you to come with. I don't want something to happen to you while I'm performing."

"Okay, I can invite Lynne over tonight then." I said.

"Really? I thought that it would be more difficult to convince you to not come."

I did want to go but, I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. "No, it's fine, you're probably right anyways."

"Okay, well I've gotta go like now." Justin said.

"Okay." I said once again.

"Bye." He said kissing me, "I'll be back soon, love you." He said turning to the door.

"Love you too." I said grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I entered Lynne's number and waited to hear Justin close the front door. The dial tone only rang twice before Lynne answered. "Hey! Do you want to come over? Justin's gone to some club thing to sing."

"Yeah, of course! I don't know where your new house is though."

"Oh yeah." I said laughing. I forgot that Lynne hasn't even been here yet. Ever since my appointment I've only had time to go and see her once and her house and follow Justin everywhere he was dragging me too. I gave Lynne the address. I set my phone down on the table in the studio and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Lynne was a really slow driver so I would be here alone for another 20 minutes or so. My eyelids were really heavy and I couldn't keep my eyes open so I close them for a few seconds.

Awaken.(A Justin Bieber Fan Fiction ft,Christian Beadles&Reed Deming)Where stories live. Discover now