Chapter 4

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"She helped me though it all though, I was lost when you fell into your coma. I couldn't handle it." Justin said once again. The past hour he hasn't even taken two bites of his food without stopping to make another excuse on why he got a DUI, and got caught smoking and a bunch of other stuff that he swears up and down he would never do. I scrapped the left over sauce on my plate and rested my head on my hand, waiting for Justin to finish. His excuses were boring me, they all ended in Selena saving him while I was gone and helping him thought and quit frankly, I was tired of hearing about his precious best friend Selena. I heard Justin huff out his breathe quietly and set his fork down. "Will you please say something?" Justin said holding his hand out from across the table waiting for mine to fall into his. I've probably worried him by not saying a word about the whole situation. I dropped my hands into my lap, sighing. "Justin." I said moving my hands too his. I tried searching for something to say quickly but I couldn't find anything. I couldn't say I wasn't angry with him because I was. I couldn't say I was angry with him though. I looked down to the table and opened my mouth hesitantly.

"I will love you through the good and the bad." I said finally looking up into his dazzling brown eyes that sparkled out to me. I rubbed my thumb against his hand and gave him a little smile. "I promise." I added to my statement. Justin let out a slight smile and moved forward from his chair.

"And I promise the same for you." He said kissing the top of my hand and looking back into my eyes. I smiled and Justin let go of my hand to finish his food. I watched him eat and listed off all the things I loved about him.

One. His eyes.

Two. His hair.

Three. His lips, oh his sweet lips. His sweet pink lips that belong on mine. His lips are like the rain that kissed the dry, weak flowers in a drought. Giving them life and refreshing them making them feel as if they were immortal. The playground that was weat and slippery, that he pulled me up onto to kiss my dry and lifeless virgin lips. His lips dance perfectly on mine.

"What are you thinking?" Justin said with a sweet smile. I smiled back and went back into my chair feeling embarrassed. I shook my head and told him it was nothing. Justin raised an eyebrow at me to let me know that the conversation isn't over as the waiter came and gave us our bill. Justin signed and placed money on the table before reaching out for my hand. My hand and his were pulled together like a magnetic force, dying to be together. Like Romeo and Juliet who did anything to be together, our hands and bodies were. Justin swung our hands a little and smiled to me. "You amaze me." He said.

"Me?-" I question him but it was a stupid question so I continued to talk. "How?" I asked him. Justin stopped before the private exit door of the restaurant and found his other hand to mine.

"I have another thing to tell you." He finally said as his moved his hands that held mine.

My heart dropped just like it did before and my thoughts turned to ash. He hasn't been anything but a lost teenage dirt bag since my coma, has he? I felt worry fall into my heart, that belonged to him. Justin smiled, Oh no, oh no. "Come on, I'll show you." He said with a soft smile. Show me what? Show me what? I swallowed the lump of sawdust like dryness in throat.

"Where?" I asked him before following him out the door.

"It's a surprise, a good one. I promise." He said looking at me like he meant it. Justin drove us too a neighborhood full of big gorgeous houses and stopped in front of one. It had white painting and big pillars in front of the door like all the fancy houses do. The grass was as healthy and green as it could be and the fountain in the front of the house really made it look like royalty. "Do you like it?" Justin said moving his hand from his mouth to talk and moving it back when he was done.

Awaken.(A Justin Bieber Fan Fiction ft,Christian Beadles&Reed Deming)Where stories live. Discover now