I opened the door and saw him sitting in his chair with his head in his hands. I couldn't tell if he was doing that because he was stressed or if he was trying to concentrate.

"Babe?" I asked walking over to him. His head immediately shot up at the sound of my voice

"Oh hey gorgeous. How are you?"
"I think the real question is how are you?" I asked
"Oh you know just ready to fail the maths test" he joked
"Ok that's it! You are not going to fail. I have been tutoring you for a month now and the amount of improvement I've seen is unbelievable. I know you are going to do well-"

"How do you know that?" he fought back
"Because I believe in you" I replied. I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze "But the main thing is you need to believe in yourself. Promise me you will try your hardest"

"I promise" he nodded.
"Good now give me a kiss" I smiled
He grabbed the side of my head and pulled me in for a kiss.
"How did I get so lucky to have such a supportive girlfriend?" He asked.

"I'm just amazing" I giggled and flipped my hair over my shoulder

"Indeed you are" he smiled pulling me closer to his chest. At that moment the bell rang and everyone started filing into class. Most people were frantically going through their notes and others looked like they didn't even care. Five minutes later Mr baker walked in.


After the test
"What did you get for question B?" I heard someone ask

One thing I hated about tests is the class discussion after it. Everyone constantly asks what they got for different questions and it just bothers me.

"You good?" I asked looking over at Aaron
"I made a promise and really did try my hardest. I'll find out after school today" he sighed
"After school?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

"Oh right I forgot to tell you. So because the game is tomorrow we have to figure out today after school what we got that way we can see who is getting benched" he explained

"Oh that makes sense. Well I'm going to go to my next class I'll see you at lunch" and walked to my next class.

After school
I was currently outside the maths classroom with both Veronica and Steph. All the boys on ice hockey team were in the class room getting their test results.

"How do you think he did?" Veronica asked
"He said he tried his hardest so hopefully that paid off" I shrugged

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad. Josh said there was just one or two questions that were extremely difficult" Veronica said

After about 10 minutes the door opened. We waited silently until the boys came out (Aaron, Justin, Josh and Jake)

When they came out they stood in front of us silently.

"Well?" I asked
The boys looked at each other before speaking

"WE PASSED" they yelled showing their papers.
The girls and I widened our eyes in shock.
"OH MY GOD" we screamed
I looked at Aaron but he wasn't smiling. Oh no. My smile immediately faltered.

"Aaron?" I asked
"I didn't pass" he grumbled
"What? that can't be true"I whispered. I took his paper and scanned over it. The answers he got wrong were the same answers I got on my test. I took Justin's test and used it to compare. The teacher marked it wrong.

I shouldered pass them and walked back into the classroom where Mr Baker was packing his things.

"Sierra What are you doing?" I could here them ask but I blatantly ignored them.

"Sir sorry to disturb but I was looking over Aaron's test and noticed you marked him incorrectly" I explained

"Is that so?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I nodded my head

"Show me" he said. I handed over the test and he looked through it.

"Ahhhh yes you're right. Sorry my bad Aaron" he apologised
"So does that mean he passed?" I asked
"Yes. Aaron you are playing tomorrow" mr baker said giving him a pat on the shoulder

"You are lucky you have a girlfriend who believes in you" the teacher said

"The luckiest" Aaron whispered in my ear.

Authors note
Hey lovelies! I hope you are all keeping safe during this pandemic. I have come to a conclusion that I need to make a schedule as to when I'll be updating. I'm going to try post as much as possible especially since I'm off school. But the days I'll be aiming for are: Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Also thank you for 7k reads and all the sweet comments. If there's anything you think that could make my book better please comment. Keep safe x

Word count-1521

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