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SEOKJIN LOVED RAIN. the rhythmic pitter-patter of droplets hitting the roofs and the ground. the swaying of plant life to the orchestration of the rain and wind. the peaceful stillness of life even in the apparent chaos of intermingling water and wind. the smell that lingered in the air when it was all over. the droplets trailing down windows and fogging the glass.

it would explain why he was grinning in spite of the tumultuously grey clouds that hid the golden rays of sun from view. there was no lightning spearing the skies or thunder rumbling in the distance. it was simply a heavy shower that halted all outside activities.

seokjin caressed the soft petals of one of the tulips left from those he had been using for a practice bouquet, eyes fixated on the scene outside the flower shop. gaze flickering to the clock on the wall, his lips pursed. three thirty pm on a saturday. he glanced outside again, another smile curling his lips. "might as well." he shrugged. placing the flower down, he slipped his phone into his pocket.

seokjin had just grabbed his keys and was about heading for the door when he noticed something in his periphery. lifting his head, he caught sight of flora approaching the shop.

the wind rippled through her red floral print dress, the light fabric undulating dangerously around her frame. but she didn't seem to mind, if the wide grin she wore was anything to go by. she met his gaze and her smile only grew.

eyes staying on hers, he walked to the front and pulled the door open. waiting for her to come in from the rain, he smiled back at her.

"hi!" her voice was just as cheery as her demeanour when she reached him. "you seem chipper." he pointed out, closing the door after her. "i got free desserts!" she held up a paperbag with the sweethearts logo on it, one hand clicking her umbrella close. she rested it by the door before turning to watch him walk further into the shop.

his eyes narrowed at her words, body turning fully to face her. "fran hasn't given me free desserts before." a pout found its way to his lips. the smile that made her hazel eyes sparkle even in the dull lighting didn't falter. "i noticed something and when i asked her about it, she got all flustered and gave me desserts to shut up." amusement leaked into her voice.

pausing for a moment, seokjin ran through all the possible scenarios that would make the usually outgoing francine become flustered before a smile slowly crawled on his face. "oh, is it her crush on hoseok?" his smile morphed into a grin when she gasped. "you know?" flora moved closer to him. "i'm pretty sure everyone's noticed except hoseok, himself." he answered.

she breathed out a small chuckle. "well, i hope they end up together." she remarked. he smiled at her words, gaze drifting to the lone tulip that still sat on the countertop. "here," picking it up gently, he held out it out to her. she took it, head tilting in question. "it's for you."

"oh," she brought the flower to her chest. "thank you." her gaze fluttered over the red petals. "why? what do they mean?" her eyes were back on him. "i just thought it matched your dress." he replied softly, glancing at the dress that now sat still on her frame. "oh," a small giggle left her lips.

he suppressed a sigh of relief, choosing instead to grin at her. he couldn't bring himself to tell her the significance of red tulips. he didn't want to acknowledge it either, choosing to consider it a mere coincidence. he couldn't think about it. not when his own emotions were spiralling out of his control. they were just that. tulips. still, their significance seared into his mind like a branding iron on unmarred skin.

perfect love.

"i actually wanted to give you this." flora dangled the packed desserts in front of him, snapping him out of the thoughts that stifled him. "i know you like madeleines. they're chocolate dipped too." she beamed brightly. seokjin felt his heart go silent for a second too long. "thank you, flora." he shot her another smile, taking the bag from her. "it's nothing." she shrugged.

"c'mon, i'll drop you off at home." he said, walking towards her. "thanks," she chimed, moving ahead of him. her hand wrapped her umbrella, pausing to get it open as she pulled the door. she stepped out, trying to push back strands of hair that danced over her face the moment the wind drafted around her.

switching off the lights in the shop, seokjin followed her lead, grabbing and opening his umbrella. his hands worked quickly to lock the door. turning around, he noticed her struggling to push her hair out of her face, bottom lip jutting out in annoyance. breathy chuckle leaving parted lips, he reached for her. his fingers brushed against her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear gently.

seokjin could feel her eyes blazing warmth on his skin and tried to ignore it by focusing his attention on getting her hair out of her face. "thank you." her soft voice was barely heard over the rain. the corners of his mouth lifted in reply. he couldn't say anything, not when his mind was so scrambled by what felt like an intimate interaction.

he simply urged them into a leisurely walk towards his car. "what about summer? i thought she usually helped on the weekends." she asked, glancing up at him. "ah, yesterday, she was having chest pains and kept relying on her inhaler. so jeongguk took her to see a doctor." he explained softly.

"is it serious?" flora's eyes were wide with concern as she continued to stare at him. "she's generally very sensitive. so it was probably all the pollen in the air that triggered it. i told jeongguk to call me after they see the doctor, so i'm just waiting. but i'm sure she's fine. she's a strong girl." he answered, glancing down at her, reassuring smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. she returned the gesture, staring straight ahead.

his car came into view and a bright grin split her cheerful face. she pranced the rest of the way and he chuckled. he unlocked the car, watching her act curiously. her hand wrapped around the handle of the door but she made no moves to open it. instead her eyes danced over the empty streets of the shopping district, the makings of a mischievous smile playing at her full lips.

they were the only ones outside, everybody else taking refuge inside the buildings that shielded them from the flashing sheets of cold droplets. the only sound that surrounded them was the humming of the wind mixing in with the whirring of pouring rain.

she pulled the door open and leaned down but didn't go in. her umbrella disappeared from view, her head lifting seconds later. her straightened hair had begun to curl back into soft ringlets as the rain washed over her.

a drawn gasp brushed past his lips at the sight of her. "get inside the car, flora, you're going to catch a cold." he warned when she shut the door without getting in. she didn't respond but turned away like she hadn't heard him. quickly opening the back door and dropping the paper bag inside, he made his way to her side.

she lifted her gaze to meet his when he held the umbrella over her head. her hand wrapped over his to hold the umbrella, taking him by surprise. warmth licked at his skin where hers touched his, leaving him in a daze. her eyes held his captive as she took the umbrella out of his grip and tossed it aside.

the rain droplets kissed their skins softly, matting their hair to their scalps. the droplets continued to fall, coaxing their clothes to cling to their forms in refuge. he stared as they traced sweet paths on her smiling face. it was enchanting. she was enchanting.

her hand slipped into his, pulling him closer. he stumbled forward, eyes still on hers as he felt her place one of his hands on her waist before lacing her fingers through his on the other. "have you ever danced in the rain, jinnie?" her free hand crawled up his back.

slowly, his head moved from side to side. "maybe when i was a kid." his voice was soft, lost to the melody of the rain. she began to sway them along to an unheard tune bridled by the falling rain.

seokjin couldn't take his eyes off flora. his body followed her steps but his gaze followed every sparkle, every crease, every quirk, every change on her face. the way her face slowly lit up like the rising sun in the sky as they danced faster, splashing puddles of water on their feet, would forever be imprinted in his mind.

a laugh that ensnared his heart spilled from her lips as she twirled in his arms. he didn't realise his plump lips were pulled up in a dazed smile until she quickly brushed a thumb over his cheek. pulling them into an energetic skip, more giggles poured out of her, mixing in with the thrumming of the rain.

and as they danced a playful quickstep in the streets, it dawned on seokjin. he didn't know about perfect, but he knew the feeling that engulfed him.

it was red tulips.

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