
"Wait...You can hear us?!"Miko asked.


"Yes, Miko, but we will discuss how, later... we need to exploit this weakness." Prime stood up.


"Did you try hitting it? Like...as hard as you can?"Miko suggested.


{"Either I'm having a migraine, or there really is a beating going on somewhere in here... I've been hearing it, but I didn't want to draw Doc-Knock's attention to it, in case it was my friends setting up for a plan; they promised me they would get me out of here...I hope they won't be too late..."} I thought as I held fast.


Optimus gave the Barrier a couple punches just above the weak point, and with each one he could see it cracking more and more. But it wasn't nearly fast enough... "It does work, but it is a slow progress..."


Raf thought for a moment... "Wait... vibration! That's it! It only became visible when it was vibrating, and now from being punched over and over in its weak spot, it's cracking... Miko, go get your amp and guitar! Bee, bring that crate with those hearing protectors, we saw the other day. "

Bumblebee helped Miko off the berth and dashed into the old storage room. Not a moment later and they were back with the requested items. The crate was opened and the humans were handed old air force grade hearing protection.


"They DRAGGED me all the way to Lord Megatron, and tossed me at his peds!" Knockout emphasized as he dragged my form all over the floor. "It wasn't embarrassing enough to be brought before my leader in that state, but the worst thing of all is that you made me backtalk LORD MEGATRON?! Who does that?! "


Optimus in the meantime was trying his best to weaken the barrier more the best he can; even resorting to blasting it.


"Alright Miko; when I give the signal, you make the loudest noises you can! " Raf said. Miko gave him a thumbs up.

"Everyone put on your muffs and guys..." Raf looked to the Autobots "This is going to get very loud... sorry if it hurts your audials. "


"Autobots, deactivate your audials..." Optimus ordered, "only reactivate when Rafael gives you the signal... Ratchet, if you would? "


"Yes sir." Ratchet deactivated Prime's audial for him. The others followed the order given, and with the other humans secured, Raf placed his own and gave Miko the signal.

Miko rocked out on that guitar as if no one had ever before! The sound was so loud, it rattled the humans all the way into their cores. Although the bots could not hear anything, they felt how it was vibrating all throughout the room and rattled their circuitry. They hoped this would all be over soon before they all suffer irreparable damages or cease to function altogether.


I managed to silently chuckle... I don't know why, but I did? I've probably lost my mind at this point anyway. The Crimson medic noticed that and lifted me closer to his glaring optics. "Think that's funny, do you? I'll show you funny! "


Even Optimus was starting to feel the effects but held on as he kept an optic on the barrier and witnessed it was working.


Suddenly the pitch blackness fell away revealing that we were on top of the Nemesis! Not that it was a bright shiny day, anyway... There were Dark clouds all around the ship, lightning strikes as well. Part of me wished at least one of them would hit Knockout, even though it would probably shock me too, but at least that would mean I could get one back at him for all this, before I die .

I could see all the way down from where I was. I started hyperventilating, even though it killed me to. Knockout has yet revealed what he was gonna do, but it didn't take a Rocket scientist to figure it out, though.

The noises I felt and heard earlier... they kept coming. Let's face it... It's just part of the background, another one of The Crazy Crimson Doc's tricks... But there was this humming, this frequency... no... this... vibration... Whatever it was, it was growing stronger and stronger in my head, because for some reason the crimson wonder couldn't hear it.

"I begged my master for mercy, but it was no use... But he reminded me of what my mission was: To hunt you down and bring you to him... I will follow through with it! " The con medic roared.


The cracks were growing bigger and bigger. Not about to wait any longer as Prime saw what was about to happen , he backed up quite a distance while the barrier was starting to break and tried one more time ; he took a running start, transformed and put the pedal to the metal! The Prime really pushed his engine to the limit this time and by the time he got there, the barrier was weak enough to explode into billions of pieces when Optimus connected !


My heart was beating so hard in my head right now, it was giving me a migraine and the mysterious loud sounds were NOT helping! I couldn't take it anymore... I started thrashing in Knockout's grip. Screaming and begging: "STOP!" I wailed. I feel like my head was about to burst.


"STOP!" Zucky shrieked at the top of her lungs, thrashing violently on the berth and Miko still with her earmuffs on and volume cranked up to the max, heard it. They did put hearing protection on Zucky, so not to permanently damage her hearing, which surprised everyone when she reacted so violently.

The girl stopped playing and turned the amp off. Everyone took their muffs off, and the bots were able to turn their audials back on.


"No..." The Decepticon whispered in my ear with an ice cold layer of cruelty, and with one swift and powerful kick, I was sent flying off the deck into the precarious depths below.


Optimus may have broken through the layer a little too late. He almost didn't make it onto the deck of the ship himself! Grabbing hold of whatever edge he could, he hoisted himself onto the surface. But just as he got there, he witnessed how Knockout had kicked Zucky off the Nemesis into the ocean below.

His Spark skipped a beat; it felt warm... no... warmer, it was burning! Something inside him snapped and now his Spark seemed to have caught fire, from what he could tell it felt like!


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