twenty six | pain |

Start from the beginning

I tried calling her multiple times on her phone but it was switched off. I felt like a complete failure. I couldn't keep Pari save and now that she was so hurt and needed someone, I wasn't there for her.

She had been hurt because of me; I had ignored her completely throughout the day ever since Maddy had come to her apartment. Truth be told, I hadn't ever thought that she would feel this way when I ignored her, I had always cared for her, in fact, I think I was in love with her and that's why when I had seen Maddy looking at me full of lust that silly little plan had stuck to my mind. I had ignored Pari only to make her jealous, I just wanted to know if she felt the same way for me that I felt for her. I ignored her in the apartment, but she didn't bother, she kept smiling and it had hurt me so bad, so, I decided to ignore her in the car as well, not even helping her out of the car but she didn't react either. Then I had to ignore her at the party, it was my last chance but she didn't react either until I heard Maddy talking shit. How she had said that Pari would loose everybody like she lost me.

Did she know something that I didn't?

I was feeling guilty and hurt, I was so upset emotionally that I could feel that my body was hurting. But I needed to function, I needed to take care of Pari. I walked back inside, angry at myself, angry at the people around. I walked to the bar and gulped down shots after shots in a hurry and left for home. I needed to be there when she comes back home, to comfort her, to take care of her.

It had been two hours since I was home siting in my living room waiting for Pari to be back home but she wasn't there yet. I had constantly checking if she was home or her door was unlocked, if by chance I had missed her coming back but I was disappointed every time. It was around one thirty in the night when I heard her clumsily trying to unlock her door.

I quickly ran to the door and caught her in a warm hug. She didn't seem to resist mush and was then comfortable. I brought her into my apartment and sat her down on the sofa.

"I had been worried about you" I had told her and also asked where she has been.

"The bar, getting drunk. " She said nonchalantly looking at my ceiling.

"Yeah? And how much did you drink?"

She tried to show me by spreading her arms wide as far as the could indicating that she has had a lot of drinks. She was like a child at a candy shop who spreads her arms the maximum to show how much candy she wants when asked about it.

"You are drunk too." She has said.

"Yeah, I had been worried about you?" I had informed her but what she did next took me aback

She moved closer to me, so close that her face inches apart from mine. I could feel her breath on my face. One swift move and her plum gorgeous lips could be in mine but I tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on her. She looked innocent. Her eyes were read and puffy from all the crying she has done and her cheeks were strained with her black mascara and eyeliner.

All I wanted to do was hold her and tell her that I only want to keep her safe, that I want to hold her and love her. I want to show her how beautiful it can be. But unfortunately, I couldn't. I couldn't risk our friendship for some silly crush that I had on her.

She then had pointed at herself and asked if was her that I was worried about and I nodded.

"But why?" She asked.

Because I like you so much that I can't stop thinking about you for a single minute. I wanted to say but forbade myself considering the risk.

"Because you are my friend and I care about you so much." I said.

Hearing this she stared at me for some time, her face showing the same innocence that she already had. She was tired and hurt which was evident. I saw her lips tremble a little as if she would cry out any minute now but instead, she started laughing out loud.

I didn't understand what was so funny or what was going on until she began. She pointed her index finger on my chest and said.

"You? You care about me??"

More laughter followed, holding her stomach rolling all over my sofa, she laughed out louder, her echoes filling the air.

"My own parents, friends and family didn't care about me and you, a person who knows me for what? A month? Cares about me." She said still giggling.

More laughter filled the air.

Her words were ringing in my ears and her laugh was annoying me. In fact, it was hurting me that she couldn't see what I was feeling for her. I wanted her to stop somehow.

"Pari, stop. Please stop laughing like a maniac." I requested but she did not pay any heed and continued.

"Pari, please stop. "I requested her again but to no avail.

Now there was only one way to make her stop and do what I have wanted to for a long time now. There was no going back now. She was still laughing when I slipped my right hand behind her head and my left hand sliding around her waist and setting on the arc in her back, pulling her towards me with force.

She fell on my body with a jerk and I caught her lips with mine.

I kissed her.


The next chapter is probably going to have some intense explicit content so minors feel free to skip the next chapter.

Thank you. 

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