7. cards on the table

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Looking back to make sure she was running, Merlin smirked at the monster and pulled out two spell cards and jumping into action. He ran forward and punched his hands together, using the momentum to jump high into the air and strike down the monster furthest to the back, only for the first one to punch him, sending him over the edge.

As he was falling, Merlin sent a stream of lighting up towards the monster, it tightening around his leg and allowing the prince to swing up and over, come up in front of the first one, and strike it down. 

The second one was still standing however, and as it went to swing downwards at him, the wizard successfully dodged and wound up sitting on the head of the other monster. Number 2 went to punch him again only to hit number one square in the face and send him over the cliff, Merlin now standing on number 2's head. He leaned over it's forehead to look into it's eyes taunting, "You just got Merlined. Yes, you did."

It clapped it's hands over it's head hoping to squash the wizard, who leaped away in the nick of time and clasped his hands together activating the spell cards he had planted on the monster's back, electrocuting it. 

Merlin walked away feeling victorious before the hand of number 2 came up behind him and smashed him into the stone wall, the man letting out a grunt of pain. The monster simply walked forward towards where Cinderella was and Merlin quickly gathered his spell cards. One thing he would not stand for was he thought of the blonde beauty he was in love with in danger.

"Hey, blockhead it's me!" He yelled after it. "Your even more of a blockhead then Prince Average!"

The monster then turned around and let out a cry of, "A-Vu-Rauge," Merlin standing terrified at this revelation. "Prince Average?" The newly known blonde prince swung his fist down at the wizard, who ran up the appendage, onto it's head, and back-flipped off onto the ground, his spell cards floating down around him. 

His plan in place, Merlin snapped his fingers, a ball of lighting igniting in his hand as he smashed it on the ground, all the cards charging with electricity causing the stone bridge to crumble, taking Average down with it. The wizard simply crossed his arms and repeated it catchphrase, "You just got Merlined," before walking away to face Cinderella.

"Take a look, Cinderella," he gave her the okay as she quickly whipped around with a smile. "Merlin," she cried out with relief. "I have triumphantly saved the day," he announced before a large, bark hand ensnared him in it's clutches and dragged him down into the watery depths together.

Cinderella looked on in horror as the man she maybe loved fell, her running frantically to the edge screaming, "Merlin! No!"

Making a split-second decision, she leaped off the cliff and dove into the water, looking around rapidly before she found the prince trapped under a boulder. She swam down to him, grasping his arms as she tried to tug him free. He looked up at her desperately before his brown eyes closed and bubbles rose to the surface from his loss of air.

The blonde looked on in horror and dread as her tugging intensified. "If only Snow were here," she inwardly cried, as she frantically twisted her head before her eyes landed on a large rock. She swam over to it and picked it up, shimming it under the boulder to act as a leverage point. Eventually side of the boulder Merlin was under lifted up, allowing Cinderella to grab his arms and tug him to the surface.

Taking almost no time to absorb air when she broke water, she swam to the lakeside, dragging herself and Merlin to the shore and collapsing in exhaustion and relief. 

This was short lived as when she heard a chorus of gasps ahead of her, the blonde lifted her head to see Regina's three bear servants. "Cinderella!" the gasped. However, the events of the day soon caught up with the girl as her eyes lulled and she fell unconscious. 

𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 ━━━ merlinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin