scene 1 // hermione and harry

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  Harry smoothed down his navy blue suit and sat awkwardly on the maple table, his stomach lurching at the thought of Hermione coming. He had practiced the scene hundreds of times--how he would greet her, what he would say, what to talk about if the silence stretched too long, when to compliment her, how to present the pale blue diamond in the end and ask for her hand. He blushed, all too aware of the redness blooming across his face and held his breath to look neutral.

He suddenly became too aware of his hair sticking on top of his head, and with a fluid movement of his hand he resprayed it with the Hair-Flattening spray that he had got from George yesterday at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes upon hearing about Harry's first date.

Harry stared at the beige floor, and the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and
he held in a gasp as Hermione entered the place. Her hair had been dyed red, her smooth skin shining brightly. Her entire physique glowed as she smiled at him and Harry's stomach lurched again.

"Hello," he said comfortably. Did she like him in that way? Would she want to be with him? Immediately Harry felt foolish--the best he said was hello, in spite of him practicing over and over in front of an invisible audience. "I mean, it's nice to see that you came. I really appreciate it, Hermione."

Now he'd done better. She blushed a little, and all Harry could think about was how pretty Hermione was even though she seemed to be as equally nervous as him.

 "Good morning," said Hermione serenely. "I... Thanks." her cheeks turned to a fiery red color.

Harry smiled at her. "You're cute when you blush."

Hermione's red flush deepened to the point Harry could have compared the color to that of tomato. Just when she was about to answer (Harry thought she looked beautiful) the waitress entered and she presented the menu to them, then proceeded to head over to another nearby couple. Judging by the robes they were wearing, Harry knew them to be wizards as well. He returned his attention to Hermione and his heart skipped a beat, then he leaned over to her ear and said in a low whisper, "You're so pretty, you know."

She swallowed and looked at the menu. "Thanks," she said without looking at Harry, and he immediately felt a bit stupid--this date was going nowhere. He had to start a conversation after Hermione had ordered.

Hermione stared at the menu, with Harry's eyes watching her like a ticking clock. "Apple juice," said Hermione to Harry, who had been in the middle of staring at her dyed hair.

"Okay," said Harry. In one movement he summoned the waitress. "Two apple juice, please."

She nodded and went away. Harry gazed up into space and asked Hermione, "Are you doing your seventh year?"

"Yes," said Hermione simply. She gave another smile and electricity ran down Harry's spine. "What about you?"

"If you're doing them, so am I." Harry said confidently.

x x x x

please don't forget to comment and vote!!

discussion questions:

1. do you think Harry really loves Hermione?

2. do you ship Harry and Hermione? or do you ship Hermione and Ron?

3. where do you think they are?

4. do you like Hermione with dyed red hair or her original brown?

5. what scene do you want next?

update: thank you so much for five reads!!

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